Chapter 2.

Carmelo and I had spent our last day at his parents house going over wedding plans. I was becoming overwhelmed and homesick. Not to mention he took my phone and turned it off. Saying he didn't want me distracted from him. I wasn't tripping I was just ready to go. Besides no lie I wanted to rub it in my friend Cher's face. I had to hear her talk all that shit about being with Melo for years with no ring. I could see her now mad as hell wondering how I did that there. Laughing to myself I was so serious. "Baby when we going home?" I asked. Carmelo looked sad and I didn't know what the problem was. "We can go today baby." He said with a half smile. I was concerned because he would be dead ass happy one minute then he would drift off and get gloomy. Listen Melo is from the streets. I know he seen a lot of things and been through a lot in his day. When he met me I told him he didn't have to deal with all that street shït no more. We had an agreement and he's been trying his best to get on the right path. Although his parents live a good life, and tries to provide that for him, he figured it was a handout and , he didn't like those. Carmelo is a man of pride much pride he wants to make a living for himself. I can understand that leaving home at an early age. We both never had it easy that's why our connection is everything. We met one summer at this club. He was surrounded by thugs, and I was surrounded by a bunch of thirsty ass hoes trying to get him and all of his friends. And out of all those women he could of choose he picked me. I lost friends who weren't my friends because of Melo and I wasn't tripping. Once I found out he was slanging drugs and out doing lord knows what I put a stop to that shit immediately. It took him one time to get locked up when he had to choose between me or the fucking streets. Melo promised me I had nothing to worry about and I guess him proposing to me meant just that. Although I wonder I never question him about anything. I learned to trust him and not pressure him about anything because, he tend to push me away and I don't like that shit. So to keep things good between us I trust in what he say and let him do his thing. Packing our things he put our belongings in the car. Saying our good byes we hugged his folks and headed home. In the car it was so quiet no music no nothing. I knew something was on my baby mind but he wasn't opening up about it. "Baby what's on your mind? Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah baby I'm cool. I was just wondering about something." He said eyes focused. "Yeah wondering about what?" I asked. "It's just I know you love your house and shit like that but, I want us to move somewhere else. Start off fresh and build our family you know. Ain't shit good out that way baby you know that. I would hate if something happened to you or me." He said serious. "Baby why would anything happen to us?" I asked really concerned. "I'm just saying you know me and my background so stop acting dumbfounded and shit. We need to move ASAP. We have a good chance baby I don't want anything to jeopardize that. That's all I'm saying baby. Do you trust me?" He asked. "Yes daddy you know I trust you." I said honestly. "Okay good baby. We'll start looking soon as we get settled alright." I shook my head as he turned on some music and held my hand. Stopping at the gas station close to our house I was so happy. I had been so homesick and ready to be in my own bed. Pumping the gas he handed me some light snacks through the window. Grabbing my phone I cut it back on. I missed my phone. I had so many calls and messages. Melo got in the car and looked at me. "You couldn't wait to turn that phone back on huh." He said laughing as he drove us home. Which was all of ten minutes away. Finally we pulled up and both spotted this black Benz parked on the curb. Melo reached under the seat and put his gun on his lap. I got so nervous I could throw up. "Who is that bae?" I asked him as his whole body got tense as fuck. "I don't know just chill I'm not going to let nothing happen to you baby I promise." He said. "Get your keys to the house out and go straight in. I got the bags let me handle this ma." He said. Doing what he told me to do I was scared because, I didn't know what the hell was going on. Rushing in the house I left the door unlocked as I peeped out the window. Carmelo got out the car and approached the Benz. Getting in the backseat he closed the door. I couldn't hear or see shit. I was so nervous I called Cher. She wasn't picking up the damn phone. Moments later he was getting out the car. My heart was beating so fucking fast no lie. The car sped off and he went to the car to grab our bags. Inside the house he locked the door and I ran up to him. He hugged me so tight and long as I cried. "Baby I was so scared what's going on? Baby please tell me what's going on." I cried in his arms. "It's okay baby don't worry beautiful daddy got it okay. Stop crying baby please I'm okay see." He said pulling back from me but all I wanted was to just be in his arms.