Chapter 4.

Carmelo POV

When we got back from my folks house I knew I was going back to some bullshit. Truth be told I had us cut off our phones for a reason. Giovanni was blowing me up non stop. Thing is since my girl Rein wanted me out the streets so bad I wasn't really making the money I was before. That meant I had to go to old sources for loans. That's something I've never done but since I love my girl so much I was willing to do whatever to make her happy. I knew since the day I laid eyes on Rein she was going to be mines forever. She proved her love and loyalty years ago. No lie I was nervous to ask her to marry me at first. With her knowing my past I wasn't sure how shit would go. So when she said yes I was happy and on edge at the same damn time. Two days ago I went to see Giovanni at his studio to talk business. This is a man who is well known with a lot of power. I knew what I was getting myself into but goddamn this nigga was on my neck. I went in with one goal. To ask him to grant me 10k for everything I needed for my baby Rein. At first he was tripping because he knew I was now out of the game and wasn't looking to do me any favors. Only I had to remind him who the fuck I was. I made that man stupid money for years. He rubbed his chin in his thoughts before he gave me the money. Finally giving in he gave me the loan. Only thing is he wanted me to pay him back three days top. That's wild as fuck because he know I don't slang no more. Still I took the money and got out of there before he changed his mind. My first move was to buy my baby the ring of her dreams. So I did, dropped the whole 10k on her a custom ring. Then I called my folks to help me surprise her with my proposal. My parents so supportive so I knew it would be perfect and they would approve because, much like myself they loved her. After I took the loan I called my boy Shine to see if he could put work in for me to get that money back. This man gave me his word and plus he owed me a huge debt. Fast forward to now I had been reaching out to shine but, the nigga was avoiding me. I don't know what the fuck that nigga had going on. So we pull up to the crib when we get back in town this man Giovanni had his people waiting on me. In the car Tooly sat in the driver seat with a mug on his face. "Look lil nigga you already know why I'm here, you got that paper?" He asked. "Bruh I'm waiting on my folk to hit me back. I got the money I just need the nigga to come through." I tried to explain. "I don't want to hear that shït. You either got it or you don't." He said. "Not right now but y'all niggas know I'm gone come through." I said annoyed. "We don't know shit young blood. Your ass ain't been answering the boss calls. So I got the green light to pull up to this nice ass home of yours." I looked at the window at the house and saw my baby looking at the car in fear. Fuck! I thought to myself in the backseat. "So what's the word then G? I told you I was going to have the fucking money." I said irritated as hell. "Look you got one more day before Giovanni make the decision to off you. You already know how this shit go just have that money and you good. Now get the fuck out my car bruh." Tooly said. That brings me to why I'm sitting outside of shine house at this moment. I see no type of movement at all. The house look unoccupied. I get out with my scrap in my back pants and knock on the door. Moments later some shorty come opening the door. I ain't never seen this chick before and she was way out of shine's league. "May I help you?" She asked. "As a matter fact you can. I was trying to find shine. Is he here?" I asked. She looked confused then it's like a light bulb went off in her head. "Ohhhhh you mean Shane. Unfortunately he doesn't live here anymore he sold me this house like two days ago." She said excited. "Did he leave any contact information for you?" I asked not believing this shït. "Sorry he didn't. I hope I helped you." She said ready to close the door in my face. I'm thinking not really bitch but I kept my cool. "Alright thanks." I said walking off mad as hell. Thoughts immediately ran through my head I can't believe this nigga shine bruh. This man done ran off on me after he told me he got that shit handled. This exactly why I have trust issues now. Now I got to think about some shit and quick. In the car I stared in space thinking about Rein. I'm not even about to blame her for getting in this fucked up situation. That shït would be so unfair and I damn sure wasn't about to make her or my folks take money out their accounts for this shït either. Riding around for seemed like hours I was on the hunt to find shine ass. Spinning the block I asked a few people I knew and nobody seen this man. It's like the nigga fell off the face of the earth. Not to mention Giovanni was still blowing up my fucking phone. Since my back up went to shit I had to come up with plan B and that was getting the fuck out of dodge before my ass get popped out here. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!