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Chapter 18.

I had been at Gino house for about a month and I was enjoying myself. I couldn't say the same for others being everybody was all up in my business. I remember me sitting in the steam room wrapped in a towel relaxing with wine. Legs crossed my phone sat next to me as I sipped and burned off extra fat from giving birth. My phone goes off as I pick it up to look at it. It's Ava calling so I pick up. "Hello." I answered. "Hey. How are you?" She asked. "I'm actually good. How's Cain?" I asked. "He's doing fine. I'm also glad to hear your in good spirit. I was calling because I had a concern." She said. I took a deep breath and braced myself for the concern. "What is it Ava?" I asked. "I was just wanting to know about your guy friend. I know it's none of my business but, how well do you know him? He seems a bit strange." Ava said. Rolling my eyes I removed my phone and looked at it. Then I put my phone on speaker. "Well it's like you said it's none of your business. Everything is still fresh and talking to you about Gino is very sensitive to me right now, what's the problem?" I asked. "Look sorry I just want to make sure your okay. It's just something don't seem right. Are you still wearing your ring around him?" She asked. Unbelievable I thought as I took another deep breath. "Ava I appreciate your concern I really do but we're not going there okay. Just know nobody will ever replace Melo. I'm a big girl I can handle myself. I have a life and it's time for me to move on." I told her getting offended. "Okay Rein I was just checking in with you. Just promise you'll be safe and aware of everything." She said. "Alright Ava I will bye bye now." I said hanging up. I don't know where she get off questioning me like I'm a little ass girl. I respect her and all but my business is my business. Once I left the steam room I took a shower and went to the kitchen. Since having Cain I was back on track with my diet. Eating a light healthy lunch I found Gino in his office. "Baby I thought we were going out today. You been in this office all day. Don't you think you deserve a break?" I asked him. "Yeah but I got to finish baby girl. Come here you look so sexy today." He said as I walk in. Holding him he held me close and kissed me. Then I pulled back and looked at him. "I thought I looked sexy everyday." I said. "Shit you do baby but today damn." He said looking me up and down. "So when you going to wrap it up in here?" I asked. "In a little bit." He said looking at me crazy. "Why you looking like that?" I asked him noticing a sudden change in his body language. "Can I ask you something?" He asked me. "Yes baby ask me anything." I said. "Why you still got that ring on?" He asked. I then looked at my finger. Then I shrugged and looked at him. "Do it bother you?" I asked him. "I mean a little only because, I plan on getting you a better one soon." He said seriously. "What are you saying Gino?" I asked. "Just if you really being free and moving forward you should take that step to let go. That means the ring too." He said. The pit of my stomach felt sucked in as I stood there. This ring means everything to me it's the one thing besides my child that was left behind and taking it off would turn shït really real. Not to say it ain't already but damn I wasn't ready. "Well then I guess when you propose it'll come off." I said getting ready to walk away. Then Gino grabs me and pulls me back to him. Holding my neck tight he looks down on me with a serious ass face. "Well baby that's going to be sooner than you think." He said then kissed my lips and let me go. "Give me an hour I'll be ready to go once I'm done. Until then go relax." He said. Making my way to my bedroom I sat on the bed. Rubbing my neck I then look at my ring. I wasn't ready to give it up. Grabbing my book from off the nightstand I read it and got deep into it. So deep I fell asleep after the twenty fifth chapter. Feeling my body shake I looked up to see Gino. "Come on. Put on some clothes and let's go." He said looking at me. Damn that sleep was good I thought as I got up. Getting up I got ready to head out for a fun filled day. We had went to an amusement park and let our inner child fly. I enjoyed myself getting on the different rides and eating cotton candy. Gino even won me this huge teddy bear it was so cute. We took pictures as he held me and smiled for the camera. Look at us creating memories and shit. It was getting late and we decided to call it a night. Making it home finally we got inside and put our things up. Only to be greeted by some chick. I had no idea who she was I'd never seen her before ever. By the look on Gino's face I knew he knew her. She stood in front of us as Gino looked at her then spoke. "Hey. Chrissy what are you doing here?" He asked. She looks at Gino then at me before speaking. "We have to talk." She says serious. Gino then looks at me and give me a big kiss. "Baby go get ready for bed. I'll see you in the morning." He said then goes with Chrissy to his office.