We arrived back in the Clover Kingdom and were summoned to attend the Magic Knight Captains meeting to discuss what we have learned during our visit to the Heart Kingdom. This time the meeting was held in my library since I was also going to be in the meeting and I needed a throne to sit in because no one would want me to sit in a regular chair, which I didn’t mind sitting in.
All the Captains were seated and we were just waiting for Julius who, as always, was late. I was still a bit gloomy and some noticed it. “Princess why are you looking so worried and guarded? Is it because I am here?” William asked worried. This snapped me out of my thought. “Oh no it’s not that Captain Vangeance.” I was interrupted when Julius finally came.
We told the captains about our findings and then Julius asked me something. “Roxy did you manage to get the location of your last girmoire?” Julius looked at me seriously. I looked down and my mood changed and everyone noticed. “I did… But we have a problem. It’s located in the center of the enemy’s headquarters. And I do believe they noticed me searching for it. So they know we are looking for the girmoire.” I said with a serious face.
“Yes this could be a problem indeed.” Julius said. “I do have a plan that might be able to work in getting the grimoire but at our and my current level there is no chance of us getting that grimoire back anytime soon.” I said. “That settles it. Captains! You have six months to get your squad members up to a higher level so that we can aid the Heart Kingdom in taking down those demons of the Spade Kingdom!” Julius said.
I then decided to reveal another secret only Julius, Uncle and I knew. “Another thing I’d like to say.” I grabbed everyone’s attention and Julius knew what I was about to say. “In two months’ time I will be taking over the throne of the Clover Kingdom and become the new Queen.” Everyone was shocked. “With this I have been working for a while now on creating a mana zone around the Clover Kingdom that will act as a defense mechanism just like the same barrier that the Heart Kingdom has. This will help protect the Kingdom and prevent it falling to the Spade Kingdom. After these six months I will have completed it.
A month has passed since the Captain’s conference and I was still preparing for my coronation. I’ve been training hard to mastering the limited amount of magic I could use. The mana zone barrier plan is running smoothly and it will be launched on the day of my coronation.
Thus far I managed to use spirit dive to make use of Nori’s magic and have perfected Caperent Temporis (Capturing of time) and Hastam temporis (spear of time) and I have learned a few more spells such as Tempus praesidium (Time protection) which was a defense spell and Rugiet temporis (Roar of time) which summons a dragon head that creates a plasma beam.
I was sparing with some magic knight squads each day and was being taught by the Magic knight Captains to help me grow stronger and get some combat experience.
It was late at night and Uncle announced his stepping down as king and my coronation that would take place in a month. I was sitting outside on my room’s balcony overlooking the castle gardens when I saw a golden feather drop on my lap. “Mm? What is this?” I asked and decided I was seeing things because I was tired and then went to bed.
During the night I had a strange dream. It started with many golden feathers and then I was in a place made up of clouds. It looked like the celestial realm and then suddenly Nori appeared and told me this isn’t a dream and that I was astro projected into the celestial realm. I walked towards massive gates and then I heard someone call my name. “W-who’s there?” I asked and suddenly I saw seven angels. “Welcome to the celestial realm Princess Roxy of the Clover Kingdom. We are the seven archangels of the celestial realm and we would like to speak to you.” One of the angels said. “It’s such an honour to meet you all!” I said as I bowed.
“We know you are going to face the devils in the Spade Kingdom and we would like to assist you. We saw how pure your soul is and we know you will be brought to despair in this battle and we cannot let you fall into despair so we would like you to make a pact with the archangel Michael.” I was speechless. “it would be an honour.” I said as I was sent back to the human realm. When I woke up I saw my back was glowing and went to look in the mirror to see what was happening. I then saw two wings symbols on my back and two of my girmoire s came to me and I saw a bunch of new light type of magic spells. “Roxy please keep this pact a secret!” I heard a male’s voice in my head. I then decided to go back to sleep.
~~~Chapter 13 done!
Clover fact #13: Asta wishes to name a bird “Toritarou” while Noelle wishes to name her "Sylvants Schnauzer"ー Shiruvantasu Shunauzā」 before agreeing on Luck's suggestion, Nero, which means "black" in Italian.