Chapter 22 Argo's Kingdom

The infinite evening was starting to get to me. I wasn't quite sure how long this would continue but the city had finally decided to respond. There were now responders from different districts trying to contain the mess of this one. Taking a vantage point on one of the higher construction, people were already fully evacuating the city. The only exceptions were the people who volunteered to help. Different uniforms of different districts were storming the city streets trying to fight these mutations or vermins. Both were pretty much the same trouble while one actually had even more dangerous profiles. It was a terrible sight but not one that I hadn't seen before. The building that contained the people Leon was protecting had already begun their exit. I had just passed the street from where we previously entered. However, the hole was already plugged with a huge boulder. Though it didn't seem like it came from anything close. It looked like something had thrown it from a distance and it just happened to fall right on top. Hyer was clearly being attacked by someone. Does Plaux have any other city that wants to destroy Hyer? I'm not quite sure myself. As soon as the building looked about empty, I jumped right on the entrance of the roof. I made my way into this police and or jail. The same procedures followed.

As I was about to enter the hole once more, a hand had touched my back. I knew that this wasn't hostile so I didn't want to mind it. Turning my back, Leon was right behind. His face looked a bit bruised but still looked quite tough. This time he was wearing what appeared to be some darkened armor. On his left hand, a dark metal club.

Leon: You're going back down there Adamian?

Arc: What does it look like? I need to figure this out for the sake of both the city and my kind. There shouldn't be any other species out there to sense or produce magical particles.

Leon: You still didn't answer my question. Are you going down there Adamian?

Arc: So what if I am? Are you going to stop me?

Leon: Nah, far from it. I want a piece of the action. Whoever did this has to pay whatever I want after what he did to my wife. Either way, I won't take no for an answer.

Arc: If you're so brave, then why didn't you go sooner? You waited instead.

Leon: Someone's gotta have a killer with them. I'm only a meat shield. I can't do much besides that.

Arc: Fair enough. Though i can't guarantee your safety.

Leon: What's the point in scaring me? I'm a thug. I shouldn't be scared of nothing.

Arc: Alright then Leon. Your funeral.

He gave me a hearty sigh then opened the gate to where dozens of citizens previously were. The first thing that I noticed when we jumped right back in was the smell. This part of the job doesn't get any easier. Luckily I have some air mods to help purify the air but it doesn't help with the stench. The walls of flesh were once again starting to move closer to this location. Each passing moment I could already feel the flesh growing like a rabid cancer. Something is speeding them up. We didn't want to waste anymore time so we proceeded back into the bowels of the beast.

It took us another couple hours or so but we made it back. This time we had to continue on with no clue what's beyond. The flesh was starting to thicken making the walking a bit difficult. It was like treading on hardy water balloons. Leon was starting to tense up at this point in time. The destination had no end in sight. However, we knew that we had to keep moving forward.

Leon: So tell me, Adamian. What makes you guys so tough?

Arc: What's that supposed to mean?

Leon: I mean why is it so hard to kill on of ye? I heard stories from different trades that you guys aren't exactly parchment thin prey. Were you people born with special bodies like ours?

Arc: Why so talkative? Weren't you a thug?

Leon: If I'm going to go on a single trip to this death trap, then I'd rather die with someone I know about.

Arc: I'm not going to die.

Leon: I'm not talking if you will. I just want to be prepared.

Arc: Prepared for death?

Leon: Yeah, it's part of our culture to be prepared for death.

Arc: I've heard different races having their own traditions but I've never understood why anyone would want to favor death. Wouldn't living be the best?

Leon: We're all going to die someday Adamian. Some just want to be prepared when that happens. Make it feel like the world isn't so big.

Arc: I see…

Leon: You didn't answer me though.

Arc: I don't know where all these misconceptions are coming from but we are easier to kill than you think. Our bodies aren't made out of Artuskan bones after all. I'm sure your body is much more durable than mine. I could sense that your biological change is that you can manipulate your muscles. That's how you survived those attacks.

Leon: Good eye. I can harden my muscles better than most is the simpler version

Arc: Adamians are fragile. They're weak. A simple stab is enough to kill one of us despite our looks and magical abilities. But it's because we're so weak that we have to train so much. We understand that one false move and we'll die. We train to become the perfect soldiers.

Leon: No wonder none of y'all look like you know how to have fun.

Arc: We don't have the time. We don't even have a planet.

Leon: Right. So even I can kill you?

Arc: Theoretically yeah. It's just a question of will I let you.

Leon: You people are scary as hell.

Even just talking about this kind of stuff is dangerous but it doesn't seem likely it would change any outcome. Talking about how weak Adamians are can be beneficial. It'll help to remind me that I can't afford to make any mistakes on the field. My bruises were still slowly being healed at an advanced rate due to the pills but there's only so much I can do to numb the pain. As we continued on, there was something up in the distance. The wall of flesh had finally started to thicken up to the point that it was closing in on itself. I reached in forward to touch the flesh wall but it felt like any other wall of flesh in the sewers. Except, I could feel something beneath the flesh. It wasn't stone or anything that could be related to it. This feeling was faint compared to stone or ground. Leon was a bit confused and annoyed at the same time. It seemed that it dawned on him that there was no other branching area that we missed. This whole route just ends right here.

Leon: This it? A dead end? That can't be right.

Arc: No, it shouldn't be. But maybe…

I looked above and there was a hatch! A metal hatch to be exact. So was this how they dumped those things. I placed a seal on the ground then boosted myself up to the hatch. It looked to be a two way hatch so it can still be accessed if from down here. As I opened it, some gasses started to leak out making the flesh retract! Leon jumped a bit from the sight of the flesh moving like it was being harmed. Looks like we finally found out what we're looking for. I boosted us back up to where the hatch led and what I saw next took me into a bit of a surprise. Everything around us smelled rancid! The streets were all dirty but something didn't add up. From the way they looked, the material used to engineer the streets looked expensive. Sidewalks looked like they were lazer tailored to have special designs despite it being made out of pearly white Karble. This road was quite strange too! It seemed like it partly magnetized. That meant that magnet automobiles existed. Even the buildings' structures were luxurious and yet everything appeared run downed or wasn't paid to last a proper business cycle! Leon took another step out into the foul smelling streets. His eyes moved everywhere to take in everything. I wasn't sure what he was seeing in this place. The lights showed the shadowy streets filled with garbage lined up on the streets. Whatever happened here it was definitely something strange.

Leon: I never thought I'd actually step foot in this place.

Arc: What is this place?

Leon: The main district. The richest district of Hyer. This is much more beautiful than I thought.

Arc: This? This place looks like absolute garbage. How is this place the main district? This place looks like a slum.

Leon: How is this not the best? Can't you tell from the buildings? The streets? Nothing is quite like it.

Arc: I've been to even bigger cities and planets. If this is the main district then what the hell happened? Why is it like this?

Before I could say anything else to refute Leon, my instinct kicked into high gear. I pushed Leon on the side of the road with a blast of my air cannon then jumped right off. A giant spear had plunged right where we stood! The power even left a crater on the ground without any problems. Whatever shot this was serious. As I looked up a tall mechanical winged guardian was hovering above us. It's eyes glowed jade green as it landed softly. This thing was quite tall and bulky. The guardian beast had a golden beak, it's chest made of many Karble cogs all moving at different strange directions shielded by a primordial crystal. That krystal was one of the rarest materials to ever exist! How the hell does this city even find one!? Wings made out of the same material with hover tech right below it. So this thing has to rely on its wings to glide and the jetpack to fly up. From the looks of it, it didn't seem to have any trouble moving about. It made me feel like it was a giant being. The beast grabbed back it's spear then started to emit a sound.

Leon: What the hell is that sound?!

Winged Guardian: I am the security of this district. State your name and business or be killed.

Arc: I'm Adamian! I have the right to enter the city as an ambassador of the human race!

Winged Guardian: An Adamian!

My head was translating whatever language it was speaking but it didn't seem like Leon understood anything. He was giving me a strange glance like I was crazy. The mechanical beast then kneeled on the ground. It's head bowing down as a form of courtesy.

Song: Apologies Ambassador Arc, I have searched the records of the intergalactic records and you are truly verified. On behalf of the entire security, I bow with my sincerest apologies. My name is Song. I would be grateful to be addressed as such.

Leon: Hey! What the hell is happening?!

Song: Does this citizen speak with you?

Song started to get back on its feet then pointed it's giant spear at Leon. Leon backed onto a corner with his arms raised. Song was clearly quick on its feet making it troublesome if we were to fight.

Arc: Yes! He's with me! Dropped the spear.

Song: Acknowledged.

It felt like its kill mode would turn on with a flip of a switch. This monster was tall which made him much more intimidating. It was almost twice my height. I was just right above it's metal abdomen. It's voice didn't actually have one. For the most part, my cognitive magic was able to understand whatever it's language was. From my hearing, I could hear that it only sings melodies similar to a harp string.

Song: Please, follow me Ambassador. I shall bring you to their highness.

Leon: The king!?

Arc: I didn't even know that there would be someone like this in this kind of place. This place looks terrible.

Song: Follow me…

We followed Song into what looked like some kind of transporter platform right in the middle of the street areas! What the hell? That doesn't make sense for such a poor district to have something advanced like this? We all took a step onto the glass floored platform. Without a second of static delay, we were all transported into an enormous hall. Red and gold Karble pillars all leading towards one thing. A giant throne. This high ceiling as well as expensive chandeliers hanging made it truly fit the purpose of the main district. Song approached the throne, we followed suit with a respectable amount of steps. The place was well ventilated from the smell. Instead, the place had different scents that I couldn't quite understand. Walking on the completely rugged floor made me dislike how much luxury this king had while the people out there were probably starving! Leon grabbed my arm.

Leon: Be careful with what you say with the king alright? This place has different rules you see. I'd prefer not to make any trouble.

Arc: I know what I'm doing.

As we got closer and closer towards the throne, the king stood up from his chair. Song kneeled down while Leon and I were confused on what to do. His majesty was thin and looked a bit sickly. Almost like he had never eaten a thing for quite some time. His skin was a bit sunken too. However, there was something that caught me attention. His entire face is covered by a red mask. It had no holes from what I could see. He raised his hand to signal Song to stand back up. His hair was covered by a red hood too. It was basically undeterminable what his facial features were. The place didn't give me anything threatening so I felt a bit at ease here. Despite the large empty hall, this place didn't feel that far from a normal palace. The absence of guards was a bit disturbing for me though. Is Song the only thing guard here? It's mechanical body now motioning towards the king now standing before us.

Song: I present to you King Argo. Ruler of Hyer. Bless is Reign.

Argo: That would be plenty Song. Thank you. Now who do I owe the pleasure of greeting?

He started taking his steps out of his throne. His steps from the steps of the throne were quite weak. Nothing that any king I would see do. The king's body was so slim that even his normal attire looked loose. Burgundy regalia made with luscious woven cloth and what looked to be Portkane hide. Something that not even the highest of galactic politicians could have. Why has this area not been discovered yet? This part of the universe was said to be primitive yet they have such rare resources.

Arc: 25th Arc. Adamian envoy. I humbly ask that you grant us mercy for entering without a proper invitation.

Argo: Please, drop the formality. It's been a while since we've had a guest from outside the planet! You all must be hungry!

Leon: Hey! Adamian! What is he saying? I can't understand the language of kings…

Arc: He's offering us food.

Leon: Then what are we waiting for!

Arc: We're not here for food. We came here for answers.

Leon: We can't just ignore the king's gifts. It might just anger him.

Arc: I think you're just hungry.

Leon: I've been fighting all day! Of course I'm hungry. Starving even! This is my first time in the capital district. This isn't exactly the place that I'd think I'd ever be in much less the castle too!

Argo: It looks like your henchman looks excited. Won't you accept my offer?

Arc: He's not my henchman. He's just someone from work. But I guess we can talk about what I'm here for over dinner.

Argo: Splendid! Song! Take them to the great dining hall. I hope you all appreciate our hospitality in the capital district.

And with that the King Argo left the room in an instant! Leon jumped out of shock because he didn't expect anything like that to happen. To be honest, I was frightened too because I couldn't detect a single ounce of magic used or anything in particular. Something wasn't right about that. Even my senses couldn't detect anything physical. Song then pointed us towards a room far south of the throne room.

The smell of the food was nothing I've had before. Leon on the other hand was already showing his true hungered self. Though something didn't feel right at all. The food in front of me looked like leftovers from a feast sometime ago. It's smell was the first thing I noticed about it too. Part of the food smelled metallic as if it was reheated by some cheap material. King Argo still hadn't arrived but Song was nearby to watch over us. The hall was filled with many decorations that seemed to be from past times of the different monarchs. Shields, coat of arms, banners, and even tapestry of Hyer's past were all over the red Karble walls. The table was even made out of Benrid wood. These types of trees are on the extinction list because of it's sentient properties. Benrid trees have a mind of their own and by extension even if they're torn into furniture they're still alive. If they're still sought after but these things are now close to extinction. Now I'm looking at one at a great size that can accommodate at least a dozen people on each side. The furniture is a stark contrast to what was being served on top of it.

Leon: Hey… do you think we can start now? I'm really hungry now! This stuff looks so good…

Arc: Focus up. We're here for answers for that sewer incident. Besides this stuff looks a bit… strange.

Leon: Strange?! How is this food strange Adamian? It's the food that the monarchs eat!

Arc: I can totally see that. But I don't think that the monarchs eat these.

Leon: Now you're just spouting shit.

As I was about to reply to him, a slight change in atmosphere entered the table. King Argo had suddenly appeared across the table. Leon's chair rocked right when he noticed the king in front of him. Even not being able to see his face, I could tell that the king's body language was in high spirits. But why?

Argo: Please! Eat already. I'm not sure what kind of food Adamians eat but I tried my best to guess.

Leon: Did that mean go?

Arc: Yes that meant go. Feel free.

Leon: Alright! Don't mind if I do then!

Argo: Tell me why are you here Adamian? It can't be because of our privacy treaty or what happened years ago?

Arc: Neither. In fact, I'm here for very different reasons. I'm here to track down a human scientist. I've heard that you've elected him to be the royal scientist.

Argo: Peter huh… What did he do this time?

Arc: This time? What do you mean this time?

Argo: It's not the first time that he did something that went against the rules of this utopia.

Arc: Utopia? What do you mean utopia?

Argo: The people in the district are happy and the districts are within control.

Arc: No offense your majesty but I don't think you know what's happening outside the castle walls.

Argo: I don't need to know because if something is wrong then Song will address it. He is the castle's only guard with his legion of shields. There is nothing to fear.

Arc: You say that but what about your people. I've seen that your district is filled with poverty.

Argo: Poverty?

Arc: Yes! There's nothing but trash and broken stores down there. When was the last time you've stepped out of the castle. The districts are in chaos even as we speak because of the royal scientist.

Argo: Come with me Adamian.

King Argo stood up then headed towards the balcony behind him. With a quick step, I followed right behind while Leon was still eating his way through the table. Song was in it's passive mode monitoring the area like some kind of sentry drone. Argo stopped as he touched the stone railings. The air was crisp and cold from where we stood. This view from up here showed me the entire district. I didn't know that we were this high but I could even see the other district walls. What bothered me is that I could even see the rescue airships still active from this distance. My thoughts were slowly drifting towards the people in city districts. Olley… I hope she's fine. Argo gestures towards the districts then down to the one below.

Argo: This is the district capital. I am most proud of this one.

Arc: Why? It's drowning in poverty. I can see trash can fires from here trying to warm up your citizens.

Argo: Don't you find it strange?

Arc: What's strange?

Argo: That everyone outside these districts live a completely different life compared to the ones in the capital.

Arc: Your point being?

Argo: What happens when people have it all?

Arc: Have what all?

Argo: I want you to take a closer look at my district capital.

Arc: All I see are people who are starving and living in horrible conditions. I don't need to take a second look to understand what's happening. Looking at it from up here makes me think of the worst and how you live like lavishness.

Argo: On the contrary Adamian, they chose this life.

Arc: What are you talking about?

Argo: I've asked you what happens when people have it all? The money, the wealth, the power? This is what happens.

Arc: What the hell are you talking about?

Argo: These people have given up. They've reached the high that luxury can give them. Now they've found something new to try.

Arc: That doesn't make any sense.

Argo: In here, poverty is the new fad. They find it interesting but don't be deceived. These people have all the wealth and power they want.

Arc: I've never heard of people pretending to be poor. Or at least want to be. This is just strange.

Argo: It is. But these people have had everything given to them from birth and now they want something that they've never had.

Arc: No money?

Argo: Struggle. They want to feel alive. They want to feel real again.

Arc: That's messed up. What about your other citizens? They need help with what is happening. There are abominations laying waste.

Argo: I have already dispatched troops within the vicinity. However, I fear that might not be enough.

Arc: Then what the hell are you doing here then?

Argo: Waiting for you. I was alerted that another Adamian was here. This time I will not fail. I need your help Adamian.