Chapter 47

???: Eden?

Juxo: Yeah, what do you know about it?

???: Is that something you want to risk doing? It's not like you to risk your skin like that.

Juxo: If it means that he'll be safe then I'll be just fine. I mean what else is there to be scared of? Even an avatar couldn't stop me from getting to it. But this… This is different.

???: I'll never understand you man.

Juxo: I think that's a good thing. It's better that nobody does. That way it feels a lot easier to not give a crap.

???: What's his name then?

Juxo: I don't know yet. We haven't decided but that's not important.

???: A name is pretty important, Juxo. You're going to have to give him one.

Juxo: He's going to the Platform, I don't think it matters.

???: Maybe, but a kid like this doesn't happen so often. I don't think I'll be able to live another couple lives and find someone like him.