Chapter 5

He left me and walked out. What kind of man is he?"Charlotte asked herself.

She paid the waitress and left the restaurant.


Back in Charlotte's house. Sophia is doing the dishes when Charlotte barged into the house.

"Hey Charlotte. How was the date? Sophia asked.

"It was confusing ma. I don't understand him. He kinda insulted me." Charlotte explained.

"Confusing as how? Sophia asked.

"He said I'm shameless. He questioned my character. and asked if I was getting married to him because of his money. He even asked if I know anything about him."Charlotte said sitting on the floor.

"He was even flirting with a girl."Charlotte said with her eyes wide open.

"Well you both have to get married tomorrow so we can pay for Phoebe's hospital bills."Sophia decided to drop the bomb.

"Who gets married on Wednesday mom. Didn't you hear what I just said." Charlotte yelled.

"Don't you love your sister? Do you want her dead?" Sophia screamed.

"Don't start mom. I think we both know our place here. At least I'll never sell my daughter for money."Charlotte said

Sophia slapped Charlotte.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that. I am still your mother."Sophia yelled and walked out.

"Wash those plates!" Sophia commanded.

Charlotte walked to the kitchen.

"I am only getting married for Phoebe, only Phoebe." Charlotte continued to tell herself.

Few minutes later,Charlotte heard a knock on the door. She walked to the door and opened it.

"Hi. Are you Charlotte Jenkins?"The delivery man asked.

"Yes I am."Charlotte replied.

"I've got a delivery for you ma'am. Please sign here."The delivery man said.

Charlotte signed taking the package upstairs. it was very heavy.

She entered her room and opened the package. It was a wedding gown and a pair of silver heels.

"It's so beautiful. it will be more pretty if I loved the person I am getting married to." Charlotte said to herself admiring the gown.

Sophia walked in.

"Privacy mom."Charlotte said.

"I am sorry."Sophia pleaded.

"I don't want to talk about this mom. Don't let me change my mind." Charlotte said with a shaky holding back her tears.

"Let's check out your gown baby."Sophia said pinching Charlotte's cheek.

Charlotte wore the gown and the shoe.

"You look so pretty."Sophia complimented her daughter.

"This looks so expensive. I pray he pays Phoebe's bills on time."Charlotte said.

"He will. He is very rich. And he will take care of you. You'll soon start driving expensive cars, going for interviews. Girls will get jealous of you baby." Sophia said looking up as if she was imagining things.

"Mom stop. I am not after all that. I just want Phoebe to be fine." Charlotte said taking off the gown.

"Don't take it off yet."Sophia said smiling.

Charlotte ignored. She took the gown off and threw it on her bed. She sat on her bed and her mom follows suit.

"You are getting married tomorrow,at least smile. Be happy. It might be a blessing in disguise."Sophia said trying to convince her daughter.

"Mom. How can I be happy? Every girls dream is to marry the person she loves not to be sold out."Charlotte said crying.

"Stop baby. I am not selling you. It's situation."Sophia said cleaning the tears off Charlotte's face with her palms.

"Okay mom,okay, okay, okay. Its almost night. Mom prepare dinner while I go check Phoebe."Charlotte said standing up and stretching.

"Why don't you prepare dinner while I go see phoebe."Sophia suggested.

"No mom." Charlotte said running out.


In Tyler Dalton house.

Tyler is pacing in his sitting room while his cleaners and his cook stands in a straight line. His dad stood up.

"You need to stop Tyler."Zane said in a soft voice.

"Stop what dad? Stop what?"Tyler screamed taking off his blazer.

"The wedding has to be tomorrow so you can pay for her sister's hospital bill on time."Zane explained.

"First,you arranged a stupid wedding with someone I don't like. Second,you want me to get married to her to pay her sister hospital bill. This is trash dad. You have ruined my life."Tyler yelled putting his hands on his head.

"Calm down. This will actually make you responsible."Zane explained again.

"I don't want to be responsible. I don't want to see her. She is ugly and skinny. I don't like her. She irritates me."Tyler said removing his hands from his head as he continued pacing round the room.

"Tomorrow Tyler will be getting married here. You all should take care of this place. It's going to be a small wedding. I'll call the priest."Zane commanded and left the sitting room.

"You can't do this to me dad."Tyler said as he followed his dad.

"I feel so sorry for the girl he is going to get married to." One of the maids commented.

"It's none of your business. Now get back to work!"The head maid who is an elderly woman commanded.


The next day at Charlotte's house. Every one is woken up by the sound of cars honking.

Charlotte ran downstairs only to see six cars parked vertically by the road side, designed with pink and white balloons waiting.

"It's time for the stupid wedding."Charlotte said and walked back upstairs. She met her parents who were walking towards the door to see what was going on.

"Hey dad, hey mom. Good morning."Charlotte greeted.

"Good morning."They both replied simultaneously.

She walked upstairs,wore her gown and her shoes and walked back downstairs. Her mom wore a pink gown and silver shoes and her dad wore a black suit.

"You didn't use any makeup?"Sophia asked staring at Charlotte's bare face.

"I don't have any."Charlotte said walking out.

"Let me help....

Charlotte cuts off her mom.

"Don't let me change my mind."

They all got into a car. While the others lead in front. After one hour of driving and changing from one lane to the other so as to escape the traffic building up, they got to Tyler Dalton house. A very huge mansion located at Broadway road.

"This place looks like a palace."Sophia complemented the gigantic building in front of her.

Zane walked out.

"Hey. Good morning."He greeted politely.

"I have been waiting for you guys and oh my oh my Charlotte you are so beautiful in person than in pictures."Zane complimented Charlotte.

He held her wrist and kissed the back of her palm.

"Come inside."He said holding his friend Dave hand. They both engaged in small talks while Charlotte and Sophia kept staring at the interior.

"This is so pretty."Sophia complemented again.

A maid walked towards them.

"Good morning ma. please follow me."She said and bowed.

Sophia and Charlotte followed the maid into a room. The room is very big and a king sized bed is placed at the center of the room. The wardrobe is made of glass. There is a dressing table and a mirror at the right corner of the room. A balcony which shows the exterior. The whole compound can be seen from the room. The maid signalled her to sit in front of the dressing table. Sophia sat on the bed

She sat and the maid does her makeup.

"Is this okay ma?"The maid asked Charlotte.

"Yes it's okay."Charlotte answered.

"No it's not. Add some concealers." Sophia requested.

"Mom!"Charlotte called her mom and turned back.

"What? Do you want to look ugly on your wedding?"Sophia asked

"Wedding indeed."Charlotte commented.