Chapter 9

Charlotte stood up from the bed. She was wearing his boxers and a top bra. The cloth was revealing her curves.

"What do you want?" She asked rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"What I want?" Tyler staggered.

"You ruined my life."He said pointing to her.

"My dream was to become a bachelor for life. Have fun and don't look back but you decided to ruin it." He said walking up to Charlotte.

"Don't come close."Charlotte said stretching her hand forward to prevent him from coming close.

He grabbed her wrist.

"Leave me alone you bastard." Charlotte screamed but Tyler kept holding her wrist.

"Please stop. You are hurting me." She pleaded again but Tyler didn't move.

He pushed her on the bed and pounced on her. Her phone rings.

"Please let me pick my call. It might be from the hospital please." Charlotte pleaded again.

He starts sucking her sensitive spot but Charlotte flinched while sobbing.

"Please let me take the call please." Charlotte pleaded again but Tyler been the monster he is didn't listen.

He pulled her clothes off aggressively.

"He circled her entrance with his manhood before pushing it it.

Tyler grunted enjoying himself while Charlotte screamed in pain.

"Tyler please it's my first time."Charlotte yelled under him.

Tyler didn't respond. He kept slamming into her and panting heavily.

"Tyler please. It's painful."Charlotte continued to yell.

Her voice became thin and strained . She had no energy left In her body.

Tyler continued enjoying himself until he came into her. He got up,wore his boxers and walked out of the room.

Charlotte stood up letting out exasperated sighs. She picked up her phone and saw fifteen missed calls from the hospital. She called back but they didn't pick up. She began sweating profusely.

Finally they picked the call.

"Hello ma'am. Good morning. I am the doctor in charge of your sister Phoebe Jenkins."The doctor said.

"Okay okay. How is she? Is she fine?"Charlotte asked sluttering.

"I am sorry ma'am. We lost her."The doctor said and dropped the call.

"You did what?"Charlotte screamed.

She wore Tyler's top and boxer short. She ran out of the house with blood dripping from her private part and Tyler watched her go looking confused.

Charlotte ran to the hospital. She got to the hospital panting heavily with blood stains on her body.

"Where is my sister?"Charlotte screamed at the receptionist.

"Calm down ma. I think you are injured let me...

Charlotte cuts the receptionist.

"Where is my sister?"She asked again this time griping the receptionist clothes.

Charlotte parents ran into the hospital crying.

"Have you heard Charlotte?"Sophia asked.

Charlotte ignored and ran into Phoebe's ward but another patient was in there. She ran back.

"Where is my sister?" She asked the receptionist and some nurses approached Charlotte trying to calm her down.

"I'm sorry. We lost her." A nurse answered.

"You lost her. You mean she is dead."Charlotte said repeating the words over and over.

"Where is she?Just take me to her."Charlotte said.

The nurse lead Charlotte to the mortuary. Charlotte kept biting her lips and her body kept shaking. She was also limping because of the sex she just had with Tyler.

The got to the mortuary. The nurse looked for Phoebe's name. It took some minutes and they found it. The nurse opened the cold locker and Phoebe's dead body was open.

Charlotte touched the body to be sure.

"Mom this isn't Phoebe. This isn't my Phoebe." She said nodding negatively.

"it's okay Charlotte."Sophia said crying and holding Charlotte back.

"How can this be okay mom? Phoebe is dead all because of you and Tyler. You all killed her."Charlotte screamed stumping her feet on the ground aggressively.

"Calm down Charlotte."Dave butts in

"Dad please."Charlotte said stretching out her hand as tears flow down her eyes.

"It's your fault too. If you haven't gambled your company away, Phoebe would be with us today. I lost my sister all because of you all."Charlotte said.

"I hate you all. I hate you. I don't want to see you. Now I'm married to someone who I hate, someone who killed my sister and I can't even file for a divorce. My life is ruined."

She ran out of the hospital back to Tyler's house. Her parents tried to catch up with her but she was too fast. Tyler was watching TV still in his boxer shorts when Charlotte opened the door.

"You are happy now right? My sister is dead. Your life is now complete right? You took away my virginity. Its okay now right?" Charlotte said screaming.

"What? Your sister is dead?" Tyler stood up.

"What? Your sister is dead?" Charlotte mocked him.

"You killed her."Charlotte said pointing at him.

"I'll never forgive you for this I swear. I promised I'll send her to school. I promised she'll become a lawyer but you killed that dream because of your selfish reason. I swear with my last blood I'll ruin you. I'll destroy you Tyler Dalton. I swear."Charlotte said running upstairs.

"Charlotte! Charlotte!!"Tyler called her running after her but he couldn't catch up with her.

She slammed the door and locked it.

She sat on the floor wrapping her arms round her body.

"I didn't fulfil my promise. I'm a failure."She said to herself.

"Charlotte open the door. We can fix this."Tyler knocked on the door.

"Fix what you bastard?"Charlotte screamed.

"Come out first please."Tyler pleaded.

Charlotte kept thinking all by herself. Memories of how her and Phoebe talked about their marriage and their ideal type.


"Sis. If you ever want to get married, what kind of man do you want?"Phoebe asked munching a cookie.

"Hmm. I'll like it if my husband is very handsome,caring,nice,God fearing, a cheerful giver and a good listener."Charlotte said.

"Don't you want a rich guy?"Phoebe asked looking surprised.

"Not really. Money isn't everything. When there is love I don't care."Charlotte said stealing a cookie from Phoebe.

"Who doesn't like money?Phoebe asked a rhetorical question.

"Cookie thief."Phoebe said and they both laughed.


Charlotte continued to cry. She kept piercing her nails into her skin. She started bleeding.

She remembered when phoebe told her she passed her college exam.


"Hi sis."Phoebe said running into the house holding a brown envelope.

"Guess what sis."

"What?"Charlotte asked glaring at the paper Phoebe was holding.

"I passed my exams."Phoebe said jumping.

"Really?"Charlotte asked jumping with Phoebe.

"Yes sis. You are looking at Barrister Phoebe Jenkins. I'm going to be a lawyer. I'll deal with all the bad guys. No one will dare to hurt you sis. "She said with clenched fists.

"I am so proud of you." Charlotte said pulling her in for a hug.


Charlotte kept thinking about the times she shared with Phoebe. All the promises she made to her. All the happy and sad moments they both shared. How Phoebe defended her. Everything just came back playing in her head like a movie.

"My life is a mess."She said laughing like a maniac.

"This is the end. I'm done for.

Her phone rang. She checked it and saw her mom's name. She switched off the phone.

Tyler knocked again but she didn't answer.

"I'll break down this door I promise."Tyler threatened.

"Okay please come outside. What are you doing in there?"Tyler asked again.

Charlotte continued to think about Phoebe until she slept off on the cold tiled floor.