Chapter 33

"I thought we are over this?" Charlotte glared.

"No. We aren't." Tyler answered.

"Let's go home. I'm tired." Charlotte pouted.

"I'll take you home if you kiss me." Tyler smiled mischievously.

"You'll wait till eternity then." Charlotte dipped her hand into his trouser pocket and brought out some dollar bills.

"Taxi." She winked.

"Fine. I'll take you home." Tyler agreed instantly.

They went downstairs "Goodnight sir." Rose greeted and Tyler ignored.

They got into the car and the driver drove them home.

On getting home, they were attaked by the sweet scent of the food Gloria was serving Zane.

"Hope ours is there?" Tyler asked.

"Yes sir."

Welcome sir. Welcome ma." Gloria, Ashley and Sheila chorused.

"Thanks." Charlotte smiled.

Tyler and Charlotte greeted Zane too.

"You guys should freshen up, I have something to discuss with you." Zane said and he started to eat.

They went upstairs and Tyler didn't leave Charlotte waist alone.