
*****Jhanu POV*****

It was a night at 11, all our friends were sitting together in an open space in the resort. I received a message from Abhi to stay back after all my friends leave. He needs to speak something important.

I replied to him, " okay."

After everyone left the place, I sat beside him and asked, “ what he wanted to speak with me ?”.

He hesitated to tell me, “ I want ……”.

I kissed his forehead and asked, “You wanted me to kiss and tell good night? , Right?”

“No, I want to discuss something important,” he said with a sad face.

“ Is there any problem?” I asked in a worried tone.

“Actually….my dad wants me to send abroad for higher studies to complete my MBA. I can’t stay even for one day without seeing you. I don’t know what to do now” he said in a sad tone.

After listening to his words. I don’t know what to say.

“So what did you decide?” I asked him.

“ I am confused, Jhanu. Please help me “ saying he hugged me all of the sudden.