Don't Leave me...

*********Abhi POV********

“ Divorce? What are you talking about?” I asked her in a perplexed tone.

She remained silent with an expressionless face.

“ Come again what you spoke just now” I held her arms tightly looking into her eyes.

“ I want to….. div..orce,” she said with a trembling voice.

I didn’t understand, all of a sudden why she was asking me for a divorce.

I thought everything was sorted out between us but again her behavior made me worried. I was out of control this time.

“ Not in your dreams I will give you….. what you want. Better you keep my words in your brain” I roared gripping her shoulder tightly.

“ Please leave Abhi…… it is painful,” she hissed with pain.

“ can’t you feel my pain here….“ I asked pointing my finger at my heart.

“ I love you Jhaan, can’t you understand?” I asked her.