Happy Ending?

Jhanu POV

The next day, when I opened my eyes, I saw Poorni, Vinay, family members, and all my other friends but Abhi was not there.

My eyes were searching for him as still, I was scared about Ragini and her brother.

“ where is Abhi?” I asked in a worried tone.

“ He went to meet the doctor. He will be back soon, ``Poorni answered.

“ I want to see Abhi,” I said desperately.

“I am back, sorry…..I went to meet the doctor” Abhi walked towards me with a sad face.

He sat on the edge of my bed holding my hand with his. Everyone's face was gloomy. Not even one person was talking with me.

“ I am sorry. I think I scared everyone here” I said to break the silence.

“You scared me Jaanu” poorni cried like a small kid.

Everyone wished me to get well soon. A few hours later everyone left. I and Abhi were alone in our room.

He was staring at me holding my hand.

I never saw Abhi disturbed in this way. He was looking weak and tired.