
Greater Love Part Three.

They say love doesn't make a person happier. I agree. I did numerous wongdoings to achirve here today. I thought protecting was a form of love. I was delusioned. What do I know of love? Hathe became my sun. I tried too hard to protect her and burnt myself. Automatically, I stopped protecting her and she changed.

"Lulu!! I found deer meat and god bless us, it's so good. Just smell it. You'll understand what I'm saying.."

That happened one thousand years ago. Hathe became the Black Werewolf Pack Leader and married me, Luna, Leader of White Werewolf Pack. Two female Aphas. Attention came upon us as soon as the world learnt of our link. Bad attention. Being two females, many of our followers didn't accept. Fearing that no offspring would come to life. And that situation affected Hathe more than me. Taught since birth, my mother Mysta, never allowed to step out of bounds. I know I killed her, but it was just a one-tap adrenaline.

"Lulu... I left the most delicious part of that deer for you. Don't hesitate to pick it.. I've gad my fill..."

But Hathe. Hathe changed. And she somehow put her fangs on an ancient incantation. Left by the now extinct gods' believer. And the message that was written on it changed our life.

"..When you are done here, come find me. I have something of utmost importance to tell you.."

That secret she found was our future. An incantation to call the Goddess Selena, The Moon God.

"See that!! It's the solution to our problem.. Once we trade a 'True Love' to that god, our wishes shall come true.. Don't you realize..? Our followers will finally accept us as Leaders."

Madness. She was willing to sacrifice of her's for us. Simply madness. I couldn't look at her that night....

"...You don't want anymore, Lulu.. You don't want me anymore. You are avoiding my gaze as if I'm sort of monsters.... BUT!! There were monsters before us. Monsters that relentlessly killed their own and there still exists one. I won't kill for nothing. I will kill for us. I just need a true love between two wolves and that will be it.."

She was changing and I couldn't do anything. I wouldn't do a thing, because I secretly wished for our wishes to come true. And that's how Hathe started to eat the world. As the white Werewolf Pack, I gave him my authority. But Mazossan The Big didn't. With her army of Deltas, she started a war against Hathe.

A war she lost because I sold her to the God.

"..Me!!? NO!! I'M NOT!!!! Look! I brought a true love. Make my wish!!!"

"I shall not. I'm allowed to accept a wish every centuries.. And a werewolf already wasted your chance, it seems..."


"me, hathe..."

"Lulu.. Then, it's okay. We both want the same thing...---"

"I am afraid not.. Your 'Lulu' paid the highest price for her wish..; Seal a soul for eternity..."

"Sea--No!!! Lulu, tell me it's false... I beg you, Lulu.... You love me, right? You wished the same thing as I, right?"

Her eyes opened as wide as possible glaring at me. The time when we were happy was far behind us. The Hathe I loved disappeared.

"Goddess Selena, Make ny wish come true. I give a million souls of Werewolf and you shall seal; Hathe, for eternity..."


"Don't hate me... I just don't want you to become a monster. By doing this, this land shall not be ravaged by death. In a future to come, I'm sure our people will understand my resolution."

She didn't reply. She cried my name one last time and then, stopped. That's when I realized. I completed her wish too. Being two female Alphas, we were a felony to our tradition. Hathe found out on an ancient readings, an incantation.

[One Shall Give To Take. Offer A Most Precious To Take A Most Precious.]

By giving Hathe to the Goddess. The trade worked. And Hathe became what we both wished for; A Male Alpha.

I sacrificed a million of lives. I sacrificed my True Love. I sealed Hathe away. And she became a He. But for nothing, Mazossan and a few of her soldiers survived and fled to the other half of the world. The black Werewolf died conpletely that day. And my white Pack survived. Alone, I started wandering around the globe.

..Now that I remember, something happened a few decades before I meet Faith. I met a Black Werewolf. And we had a conversation.

"You seem surprised, Luna of the White Pack."

"How come there's a black werewolf. I know for sho' that they died centuries back. I made sure of it.."

"It seems you failed, then. I am here. A Black Werewolf Of the Black Pack. Alive and fleshy. I can prove it by cutting my torso opened. You'll see my beating heart. Wanna??"

"No need to such extreme measures.. Do I know you? Your smell is common. I smelt it somewhere.."

"We did meet."


"That's for you to decide. I am in a hurry, so, see you next time.."

"May I know your name, Alpha of the Black Pack?"

"Sirius. Sirius of The Black Pack. May we see each other in a near future.."

"..I agree."

I met an Alpha of the Black Pack. The same family as Hathe. And a smell I knew too. But I know for certain that Hathe had a brother and a sister. Who is that Female Alpha, then??

This was the first and last time I saw that wolf. I tried to find her, but nowhere to be found. Her presence was simply gone.



"...Did your bottom just burped, Hathe?"

"You made me anxious... I'm gonna need the toilet for some time.. Just sit on thd bed."


I wanted to sacrifice Selena and Faith to bring her back. But someone did it before me. I suspected the human, but they wouldn't do that for nothing. They would already have taken her... Well, tried to.. And they would have failed. No, it's someone smarter than that. Someone who hides and acts by manipulation. And she came in my thought; Sirius. What if Hathe wasn't brought back to be used? But, because it's Hathe. I'm sure Sirius wants Hathe, but why? I must find out.

To be continued...