
"You own a private jet?", Marcellus walked towards a Super Midsized jet with his jaw dropped.

"well, I have to travel quite frequently, so this was necessary acquisition ." Davidson humbly replied.

A beautiful flight attendant greeted them as they made their way up the airstair.

They were welcomed by one more flight attendant as they entered the fancy cabin. Marcellus had his eyes blessed.

"Could we possibly be followers of the God of wealth?" Marcellus asked Davidson.

Davidson let out a burst of very pleasant laughter.

"This Model is Gulpstorm G4PT, quite good for long travels but not exactly as expensive as something that a God of wealth would have under possession. There are many other expensive jets than this particular one."

Marcellus was still standing staring at the cabin.

"Make yourself comfortable, let's sit there," Davidson pointed towards a table that also had a monitor attached to the wall close to it.

They were on the plane two days after the incident at the Paris headquarter. Davidson took Marcellus to visit Dorian the next day. Dorian had no way out and had accepted the legal punishment. Dorian told Marcellus to go do what he wanted.

Davidson asked Marcellus to come with him and Marcellus agreed without hesitation.

They were already in the air. The flight attendants brought them snacks and drinks.

"I think he is quite young to be drinking." Davidson hinted at the attendant who was looking at Marcellus to pour the wine just for him.

Marcellus agreed with a smile.

"Mr. Davidson, I was meaning to ask this."

Davidson signaled him to go on while swirling his wine. Marcellus was playing with his curls. he had a lot to ask Mr. Davidson.

"you said we were both followers, Phil told me that I was strong enough to be a God and I can tell that you are several times stronger than me. how can someone like you be just a follower?"

Davidson smiled as always.

"let me first correct you about something. It's not that I'm stronger than you, I just know more about this power than you as of now."

He took a sip and smiled at Marcellus.

"The truth is, your potential is a bit greater than my own."

Marcellus was shocked. he could not even imagine himself being as good as Davidson, in fact, he did not even know where he stood against Davidson now. But the thought made him smile faintly.

"Now the next thing is, you have not seen anything close to the true power of the gods and followers. the people You have seen so far were just a bunch of amateurs. The potential of followers varies, even the Gods are very different in terms of how much they can do. The Gods with lower potential are nothing compared to high potential gods."

The explanation was just raising more questions inside Marcellus. He remembered Phil saying the same thing about How strong some gods were out there.

"The Higher level gods and their followers have found ways to use their powers to their utmost potential. In these seven months, they have spent their time trying to understand the true nature of these powers."

"so have you been learning to use your powers too?" Marcellus asked very quickly.

"I awakened about a month ago, and It's very likely that I was the first to awaken among the followers of our clan."

Marcellus raised an eyebrow. "first? you can tell that you were first? My energy was the first to be recorded in the UNRM database. Phil was even assuming that I could be the first. But then you appeared. How can you be sure that you were first?"

"I had some exceptional technologies at my disposal to find that information. However, Not everyone who has the access to that technology can extract the information like I'm able to."

Marcellus did not understand a thing from that part of Davidson's explanation. he started at Davidson with a very confused look in his eyes.

"My abilities." Davidson finished his drink and put the glass on the table.

"Turns out I'm an angel class follower. As I played around with my powers I began developing very acute senses. At first, I thought it was just the development of keen senses as a superhuman but I was wrong. I'm the only follower with this kind of ability I have come across so far."

Marcellus opened up a packet of chips as he continued to listen excitedly.

"I know, you could sense the people outside the building. that is quite interesting."

"No, that was not it. that was just basic navigation using the beta energy, anyone can do that." Davidson leaned towards Marcellus.

"I can see everything."

Marcellus ate his chips more furiously staring at Davidson.

"I can see the molecules, I can see the energy and distinguish them, I can look at the air and tell what kind of gases are present there. I can look at transparent water and tell what minerals are mixed in it. I can see the infrared signals, the sound waves, things like that." Davidson was staring at Marcellus, who did not understand the exact meaning of that explanation but did know that it was something cool.

Davidson went on.

"Up until a week ago, I hadn't learned to distinguish energy waves. when I did, I found out that I was a follower."

"How exactly?" Marcellus asked although doubting that he would be able to understand if the explanation turned out to be too complex.

"You see, the energy from Gods always flows towards their followers. So I am able to see the energy that is flowing into me. even now There's an energy that is steadily flowing towards you and me both. It's the Alpha energy that has the same frequency as yours and mine. however, it is more potent than our beta energy. this means that the energy belongs to our god. before that, I had already located three of our clan followers. there is also another very dim energy signature of the same type, which must be our pacifier. By now I have the rough idea of who our god could be."

"There are others? Wait, you know who our god is??" Marcellus stopped eating.

"Generally gods are people who are already well established and have achieved fame because of certain qualities or the kind of life they have lived, Whenever an awakened lets out a big burst of energy I can trace it back to their location if a large amount of energy has been released. A week ago the Alpha energy I was receiving became very strong all of a sudden. and I was able to deduce the location of the source and it led to the residence of someone of such quality, that person is much likely to be our god."

As Marcellus was waiting for the name, Davidson nodded his head sideways,

"I mean Goddess."

"Who?" Marcellus was impatient and lacking vocabulary.

Davidson turned on the monitor and played a music video.

" I assume you know her."

Marcellus jumped in shock. of course, he knew very well who that was.

Los Angeles, USA

The CEO of one of the biggest music companies in LA was waiting outside the gate. He had been trying to contact them for over a week. Every time he called the manager picked up the phone only to tell him that all the recording schedules had to be canceled.

He watched as someone came towards the gate, it was the manager again. She opened the gate and faced the CEO nervously. She looked very distressed. But the CEO did not care about her as he had a lot of money on the line.

"Where is Ivanna? are you not even going to invite me in?" He said furiously.

"She is not home." She said hurriedly.

"When will she be back? I will wait ."

"Then you might be here for several days." The manager said.

Her name was Janine. She had been the only manager for Ivanna ever since she debuted. They had been friends before Ivanna became this big. She was tall and slender with red hair. she was usually very calm but things were very grim for her to remain calm.

"What do you mean? where did she even go?" The man was growing impatient.

"Korea." she lied.

"Right after signing of such a big contract? this is going to tarnish her reputation in the industry." The man said in a threatening tone.

"We will bear the full responsibility for the consequences, something she could not ignore, came up all of a sudden. now please go." She was growing more distressed every minute.

The man got inside his car and slammed his door.

Janine went back to the house. It was a small but very beautiful luxury house. As she closed the door behind her she looked at the six Asian men in the entryway who looked at her with questions in their eyes.

"Just a guy who came to check on Yoonah, from the studio" The two of the men focused back on the laptop that they temporarily stopped looking at to hear her answer. The middle-aged man went on to stare at the wall while three others stood beside him in line slightly bowing their heads. All of them were wearing black suits.

"It's all my fault." The man said in the Korean language. But Janine understood it very well.

"I should have placed the bodyguards in a much closer vicinity." He had a look of grief on his face.

He turned to the two men who were trying their best on the laptop.

"Did you find anything?" He asked in Korean.

"Nothing yet sir." one of the men replied while keeping his head down.

"She had nothing with her for us to track her location. and I doubt there will be any news or reports."

The man clenched his fists in frustration and got teary as he sat on the sofa as his knees weakened. The other men seemed repentant and frustrated as well.

"How shameful"Tears finally made it out of his eyes.

"She had no choice because of me," Janine said remembering the dreadful night a week ago.

Nine days ago, Janine had received a call from an executive of a music company asking for a meeting. they had agreed to meet two days after the call happened. they had requested for Ivanna to come personally. when Janine declined that request, they said they wanted to meet her in person. Ivanna did not like to go to these meetings and Janine attended all these herself and made every decision for Ivanna. Even though Ivanna was a celebrity she did not attend any shows or interviews, she was very secretive and that was also why she became popular as the mysterious girl with a magical voice. She did not even appear much in her own music videos. She would always film herself in very artistic disguises. fans always made theories about why she did these things.

Ivanna did agree to meet when they put a proposal that they wanted to work on a big collaboration for a fundraiser program. Ivanna never said no to these things. She had agreed to meet them in her own residence. Two men arrived at her house. However, as they entered the house and confirmed that she had no bodyguards at all, they revealed their true intentions. They asked Ivanna to go with them. As Janine got taken hostage, Ivanna had no choice but to comply. Janine remembered one of them melting a bronze figurine without touching it. that man had the power of corrosion.

They did not leave any trail, there were no leads as to where she had been taken. All they knew was one thing. The men who took her were followers of the Jordan McCoy. He was named the god of poison, Achyls. He was one of the fifty strongest gods But he went into hiding after murdering seventy-eight people. No one had been able to locate him or trace any of his activities.

Suddenly they heard the doorbell.

Everyone in the room became alert. the men moved towards the table where their weapons were resting.

"We are having quite a lot of visitors today." The middle-aged man said in annoyance.

Janine went towards a corner that had the screen for the video doorbell. The men followed her to look at it. There were two men at the gate. one of the men looked at Janine and asked, "Any idea who they are?".

She had no idea. She noticed that the younger guy was quite good-looking and the old man had quite an aura about him as well.

One of the men looked at the middle-aged man and received a nod. Then he unsheathed the sword he was carrying. It was a katana that had engravings on its blade. He pointed the sword towards the gate, within a few seconds the tip of the pure black blade changed its color to bright red. The look on the man's face changed and he quickly looked at the middle-aged man. The man saw the tip of the sword too.

"Bright Red?" he hurried closer to the screen to look at their faces.

"Only angel-class followers can turn the sword to bright red."

"Should I answer?" Janine asked nervously.

The man nodded.

"yes?" she pressed the speaker button to let them hear her voice. Upon hearing that The old man moved closer to the machine and spoke.

"We had a very important matter to discuss with miss Ivanna, I take it that she is not home right now but I could not find any other way to contact her, could you please arrange a meeting for us?"

There was no response for a moment. she spoke again after a long pause.

"Please come in."

The two men looked at each other and entered as the gate opened.

"Should we really let them in, commander?" one of the men asked The middle-aged man in Korean.

"How do they know she is not here?" Janine raised a question.

All of them were restless. Janine moved towards the door to open it for the guests. The commander signaled all men to hide and within four seconds only Janine and the commander were left in the entryway. Janine opened the door as she saw their silhouette through the textured glass door.

"Please come in," Janine welcomed the two and pointed towards the sofa across the entryway.

The commander was sitting there as well, He stood up to greet them.

"I'm Kim Ji-hu, head of security for miss Ivanna," he spoke with an accent and gave a brief glance at Janine who looked back at him in affirmation.

Davidson shook his hand and locked eyes with him and before he gave his name he asked a quick question out of curiosity,

"Have we met before mister Kim?"

"not as per my recollection, sorry."

"And I assure you that we pose no threat to you so you can tell your men to come out." Davidson gave a polite smile.

Suddenly the five men came out of hiding and swiftly pointed their swords at Davidson and Marcellus. The commander extended his arms to signal them not to take any rash actions.

"Woah swords? in this day and era?" With an interesting look on his face Marcellus instinctively held his hands up, he was shocked but the commander noticed that the young man wasn't exactly scared. He looked at Davidson who was still holding his hand and hadn't moved a bit from where he was. He shrewdly looked at the engravings on the blades being pointed at him.

After looking at them for a moment he smiled and retreated his hands to put them in his pocket.

This caused the men to be alert and they tightened the grip on their swords to acknowledge the threat posed by the men before them.

"This is interesting." Davidson channeled his aura that caused the lights to flicker and the tips of the swords the men were holding turned bright red and it was even brighter than before.

The men moved a step backward sweating but still pointing the sword, the two men who were pointing at Marcellus pointed their swords at Davidson so now all the swords in the room were pointed at Davidson. The commander was still thinking about what should he do but the man in front of him was too intimidating for him to make a collected decision. Janine froze where she stood, it was hardest for her because She was a normal person with a weak body.

"Tell me." Davidson looked at the commander in acknowledgment that he was the leader among them.

"What are the guards from Dangun's royal descendants doing here?"