Three days

Kim sighed at Davidson in disbelief, "Why is it so hard to keep secrets from you?".

"I was always a very keen person but after the awakening, I was blessed with the abilities to sense a sudden change in human emotions. The heartbeats, brain signals, blood flows, I can see all that. I can tell if someone is lying"

Marcellus was amused to hear that, "I don't know what secrets you are talking about but they have not answered much to know what they are lying about does this mean you read their mind?"

Kim and the other men looked at Davidson nervously.

Davidson laughed, "I cannot read their exact thoughts."

Marcellus looked at him demanding more explanation.

"You see, Humans react differently to a piece of information or statement. when people hear about something they already know they react in some way, when they hear about something they did not know they react in another way. It shows on signal their brain creates, it shows on their heart rate, basically its a pattern. Earlier I loudly said that they were on good terms with Miss Ivanna, If they were here to harm her, their body would have shown different signs, but the signs they showed matched the pattern of people agreeing to a statement. I could also notice a distress signal from their brain that is usually created when a person needs to lie,"

Marcellus was already mentally exploding because of the explanation. So he just gave himself a conclusion that Davison was a lie detector.

Davidson looked at Kim and his men, "With normal means, you guys would not have revealed any information even if you were to die, I'm sorry for cheating."

"So what's your conclusion?" Kim asked in anticipation.

"I was able to deduce this only because I knew the engravings on your swords. Miss Ivanna could indeed be an heir of the Dangun family and Ivanna is not her real name,"

Janine took a glance at Kim. Davidson was right. But Kim did not seem to have any problem with Davidson finding out. She was worried and Kim noticed her.

"Don't worry, He is enemies to the people whom we don't want that secret to be known to," Kim reassured her.

Marcellus looked at Janine, then at Kim, he took turns looking at everyone else. everyone in the room seemed to have an idea of what was going on, except him.

"Princess Jeo Yoonah of the Dangun dynasty."Kim stood up as he said the name and the men behind him bowed their heads.

"The one who was born with exceptional qualities of a ruler. According to the recent Divination list, she was prophesied to awaken as one of the most powerful Gods to walk the earth. The major dynasties schemed together and conspired against the Dangun family in fear that Princess Yoonah would lead the dynasty to triumph over them. As the dynasty almost reached the brink of extinction defending against their attempts to take her life we had to hide her under a different name."

Kim went emotional as he remembered the tragedies that befell them that he could not speak of.

Davidson smiled in satisfaction, "Looks like we ended up being followers of a very amazing person young Marcellus."

Marcellus stared at him for a moment with a puzzled look but eventually, he put the pieces together himself.

He stood up in excitement facing Kim." so you mean Ivanna is the princess you are talking about?"

Kim nodded.

"Woah, but wait, it does make sense, she seems so different in her videos. her voice, the whole feeling about her, it's just, it's just-" Marcellus could not find words.

"Singing is just one of her many talents. She can do so much more. You won't find another human being like her in the entire world, she is the epitome of perfection."

Kim's voice changed, he sounded like a proud dad.

Then he remembered the predicament they were in and went grim again.

Davidson put a hand on Kim's shoulder to console him"Don't worry Mr. Kim The amount of alpha energy I can sense coming towards me, can only be coming from a very healthy person. she is fine for now."

"About that, she has a manameter here so we would have known if she awakened, I'm not very convinced that she awakened. She would have awakened a lot before you as your goddess, when did you awaken exactly?"

"I awakened about a month ago, for young Marcellus it's been a few days," Davidson replied to Kim.

"Mr. Kim. The process of awakening is not the same for everyone. Some people forcefully awaken, things like distressful situations or near-death experiences can cause that. When they awaken in such a way they emit a sudden burst of energy, that is what alerts the manameters. However, some people awaken gradually over time and are only detected when they use large amount of their energy intentionally or by accident. It's Possible that Miss Ivanna did awaken naturally and only channeled her energy after the abduction. I noticed her energy about a week ago, when was she abducted?"

"A week ago," Kim quickly replied.

"So it all fits my explanation doesn't it?"

Kim felt a bit relieved and sighed heavily, "I hope you are right."

"Shouldn't we be doing something then?" Marcellus was growing impatient.

"We must think of a plan first Young Marcellus, we are up against a very powerful and malicious god. Jordan McCoy has a very dangerous ability. " Davidson said staring at the ground.

"That's not the issue here, We can't even track her location." Kim reminded them.

"I have that part covered don't worry." Davidson reassuringly smiled at Kim.

"I am assuming that Jordan has three angel-class followers and about a few hundred normal followers. we are heavily outnumbered."

Kim clenched his fists, "how infuriating, If princess has already awakened how come none of us have awakened as followers? We are her loyal subjects, did our loyalty fall short?"

"It does not necessarily work like that," Davidson walked towards Kim.

"While It's true that people who are already acquainted with the God or have an emotional connection to them are most likely to awaken as their followers but, there have already been many exceptions. many gods have people they never met in their life awaken as their strongest followers."

"But still, the subjects of the Dangun dynasty have waited for years for the princess to awaken. we have thousands of people who are loyal to her yet we have heard no news of any one of them awakening." Kim looked grimmer as he thought about this. The other men were with him on that.

"Maybe you should give it some time," Davidson was doing nothing but console him all this time.

Kim nodded in agreement.

"Okay then, everyone, listen to me, We will have to put our faith in Miss Ivanna to make it till the next three days." Davidson declared as everyone listened to his commanding voice.

"Three days? she was kidnapped for god's sake, Mr. Davidson. can we really afford to wait any longer? who knows what she might be going through right now." Marcellus raised his voice in concern.

"Don't be hasty young Marcellus, currently we have only me who can stand up to their angel-class followers. And I'm not sure if I can take on all three."

"I can fight too," Marcellus shouted.

"You cannot control your powers yet, You can't even summon your aura to your full potential yet, then there's the fine-tuning your body needs to adapt to using the beta energy. As of now, you are only as strong as three of their normal followers. and they have got hundreds"

"is this boy an angel-class follower too?" Kim realized that Davidson was meaning to say that Marcellus could be more after the training.

Davidson proudly smiled. "At the time of his awakening, his mana pool was even greater than mine. he has the potential to be stronger than me."

Kim was shocked. Davidson's display of power earlier was amazing. It was easily as good as top angel-class followers of the gods in the top fifteen. If Marcellus became as powerful as him it would be an insane clan.

"But it makes sense because they are followers of princess Yoonah." He thought to himself, losing himself in admiration of his princess.

Then he snapped back to reality, "So what's your plan? what are you going to do for three days?"

"First thing, young Marcellus will learn to use his powers for three days, and I will ask other fellow members of our clan to lend help."

"There are others?" Kim asked, he was curious.

"I tracked three of the other followers from our clan and oddly enough one of them is someone I already knew. I sent them a message to meet me. The other two have yet to respond to my message. For the last one, I will ask him to come by tomorrow. And when He joins us there will be three angel-class followers on our side."

Davidson smiled at Marcellus, " He is the same as you young Marcellus, I hope you become friends,"

"Can't he come sooner? we should leave as soon as we can" Marcellus said with a displeased look on his face.

"He should come by tomorrow, it's as fast as he can come. It will be thirteen hours of flight before he gets here, after all."

Marcellus raised an eyebrow. "Huh? where is he coming from?".

"Japan," Davidson said reminiscing his past,

"He is the son of a very precious friend of mine."