Raging demon of Tokyo

Marcellus trained all night long. Surprisingly enough, fusion came to him easier than he had expected. He did not understand the complexity behind it but to him, it was just like hardening and loosening his muscles but of course on a much higher level of control. As an awakened he had already entered the realm of sixth sense and control of his body. His adaptation with fusion was unusually fast.

As he sat next to the debris of the rock Davidson left for him, he wondered to himself.

"Mr. Davidson told me to make it through without feeling hungry, I wonder what he meant. I haven't felt hungry all night though, maybe I already did it?"

The sun was up. He lied flat on the grass as he looked at the sky. So much had happened in the last few days, he had not even had time to realize how hectic his life had become.

While he was lost in his thoughts, a familiar aura collided with his senses, He instantly got up on his feet.

"Why is Mr. Davidson emanating such a fierce aura ?" He wondered as the aura he was sensing was even violent than when Davidson released his aura earlier. The aura got closer and he could finally see the person who was behind the aura and it was not Davidson.

A man with an Asian face stood before Marcellus. He was a few inches shorter than Marcellus but had a fairly muscular body. He was wearing a slim-fit white t-shirt under a black coat that was waving behind him because of his aura. Marcellus could see his medium-length black hair was also getting swayed by the force of his aura as he approached closer.

Marcellus watched in awe for a moment. he had learned to recognize the aura by now, this had to be Davidson just based on the aura. Although more fierce in nature the aura this man radiated was as powerful as what Davidson had let out the day before.

The man before him had the eyes of a beast. Marcellus's instincts were warning him, to be on alert. without even realizing he had already flared up his own aura.

The man stopped about three meters away from him as their aura collided. the dust and debris started getting wiped away due to the force of collision between their aura.

"So, You are the guy I am supposed to babysit?" The man said with an eastern accent. Marcellus didn't like the tone of that.

"People usually say hello or nice to meet you when they meet other people for the first time." It was not rude but he felt like he did not want to lose to the guy in front of him.

It was like a staring contest for a few seconds.

"The old man was talking of you like you are some kind of a big deal. let me see that for myself," he said as he took off his jacket and threw it towards a tree where it hung perfectly.

"It must be the guy Mr. Davidson was talking about." Marcellus figured out that it was the guy Davidson meant to send. He found it unnecessary. testing him was unnecessary because they were short on helping hands and would need his help regardless of whether he was ready or not. And on top of that, the guy who came to test him was really getting on his nerves.

"I'm not going to hold back so try not to die." The man said as he moved a few steps back. The aura that he stopped momentarily flared up again.

"Well let's see how great you are to be saying that to me," Marcellus took his stance as he observed the man gradually increasing his aura. He did not have any type of fighting stance. He arched his left foot back to get ready to come at Marcellus.

"He has not trained in any specific fighting style." Marcellus, the fighting nerd confirmed as he studied the guy who was preparing his approach. He was planning to start with about sixty percent fusion of aura. Going with a hundred percent from the beginning would wear him out much earlier. He flared up his aura and fused about sixty percent of it with his body. He took a defensive stance and waited for the man to make the first move.

The man firmly stepped on the ground with his right foot that was slightly bent ready to launch him, he took a deep breath and his body muscles loosened for a moment but as he reached the peak of his breath, his aura flared up and his muscles bulked up and glowed.

Marcellus felt a chill down his spine as his eyes widened in shock as his fighter's instinct gave him a vague idea of the enormous amount of momentum the guy in front of him was generating.

"Sixty percent is not enough, I have to go hundred, no five hundred percent," he thought to himself as the guy appeared right in front of him in a fraction of seconds with an arched back right arm that was ready to punch him, The air around them spread around as ripples due to the ginormous force of his propulsion.

Tokyo, Japan:

Shin Yamamoto, The son of one of the most powerful yakuza in Tokyo had parted ways with his father at an early age as he hated violence and crime. After losing his wife in an attack orchestrated by the rival Yakuza group, he had not met his father who was 76 years old now and on the verge of death, for thirteen years.

He had been working as a veterinarian for twenty years. He was in his clinic as usual when two men came to meet him. they were familiar to him. the loyal followers of his father who were raised alongside shin.

"Young master" They bowed to greet him as he took off his gloves.

"I told you not to look for me." shin replied in Japanese.

"Master has sent us to bring the young Master Yahiko to him." One of the men said being as polite as he could.

The other noticed annoyance in Shin's face and added, "Master's health is worsening each day. He insists on passing the leadership down to his own blood. he has respected your wish to stay indifferent to the family but he wants young Master Yahiko to be the next head."

"Neither I nor my son will walk the path of such disgrace, Father has already strayed from the path of chivalry and glory to that of the criminals," Shin stated strongly.

Even if it was the son of their boss, the men felt offended after he talked like that about the head.

"Master Yahiko is not like you" one of the men continued to be persistent,

"You cannot turn a blind eye to what he did several days ago,"

Shin got infuriated, "I don't care, nothing he does should qualify as a reason to place him as the head of the family."

The men could not back away easily, their boss was very vocal about meeting his grandson.

"Please let him visit the master just once. Master Ken has great expectations from master Yahiko, He is assured that if he becomes the head we can accomplish great things" they knelt before him.

"It's impossible now. I have already sent him away from that grasp of Yakuza."

The men were very displeased and shocked to hear that.

"How could you? he belongs here, as the next head of the Yamaguchi clan. where did you send him to?", They asked very hastily, the accomplishment of their mission was what they cared about more than anything.

Shin smiled as he poured himself a cup of green tea.

"I know he is supposed to accomplish great things, but not here, not as a leader of criminals. I have sent him to where he really belongs, under the wing of the most impressive and righteous man I have ever met."

The men looked at him in confusion. They were forced to give up and left as Shin refused to dwell on the matter anymore.

He sent them away, and there was no threat of his son being swayed by his grandfather anymore. Still, he could not help but be worried because Yahiko was very similar to Ken Yamamoto, his grandfather in nature. He had a very volatile temper. Even as a child he always caused trouble. And every time he was not intentionally causing trouble the trouble always found him. When Yahiko turned seventeen, the Yakuza world found out that he was the one and the only grandson of Ken Yamamoto who lived separately and was left unguarded. A few times some yakuza families would try to abduct him.

one day he beat up twelve adult yakuza members as a mere seventeen-year-old teen and was expelled from his school. It was not his fault, they came at him but he never bothered to explain to anyone. he was hated, feared, and outcasted by his peers. Shin never used violence and always tried to solve things legally but that was ineffective against the powerful Yakuza because of that Yahiko learned to save himself in his own way. Even without the intention, he became popular among the delinquents of his age group.

When he finally reached 20 he was eligible to the throne of his grandfather and the rival family had seen the potential in him. About a month ago they finally sent their veteran to assassinate Yahiko. He survived that by awakening at the right moment.

But Tokyo felt Yahiko's wrath just two days before Yahiko was sent away from Japan. The former second most powerful yakuza family that instantly became untouchable power in Tokyo after one of the blood members awakened as a God got involved with Yahiko. what did they do? Try to assassinate him? no. One of the members of that family accidentally dropped his ice cream on the street.

Things escalated and unfortunately for them, Yahiko had already adapted to his powers and the entire Yakuza family along with two hundred normal followers, two angel-class followers, and the God who despite not being anything like the top 50 gods but regardless still a god were wiped out within a night. It was a bloodbath that shook Tokyo. The yakuza base was reduced to nothing. People even mistook it as an earthquake, an earthquake that lasted an entire night. when the sun rose, one man covered in blood with a big grin on his face walked out leaving behind hundreds of knocked-out bodies. Nobody dared approached him as he walked inside his rampaging black aura that looked ready to devour anything on its path.

The Yakuza world was engulfed in chaos, Ken Yamamoto rejoiced to find out that his grandson went and conquered an entire family that had awakened people single-handedly.

Shin almost fainted when he found out that his fears had been realized and it was hundred times more terrifying because Yahiko turned out to be an awakened of such caliber.

As Shin entered another room after finishing his tea he looked at the table, the picture of him and another man where both of them were much younger. He picked it up and cleaned it with a piece of cloth.

As a gleam of hope shone upon his eyes, he looked out the window, at the horizon, "I'm entrusting my son to you, don't let him go down the wrong path now, Davidson."