
9:13 PM, 23rd March 1989.

Chemo had reached the outskirts of the city, which were being evacuated.

The battle had degenerated into a back and forth between us, as I took parked cars and tried to use them as projectiles to slow him down. He's learned to bat them aside, when he can and I'm struggling to find a valid counter with only the materials of everyday life around me. All my ammunition has been corroded.

The good news is that this has reduced his acidic abilities to the level of vinegar, the bad news he's switched to using toxic gases and sprays instead.

Fleur-de-lis has abandoned this position and is overseeing research into a potential avenue of attack, leaving me facing the six metre tall green blob with whatever I can find. Sporadic gunfire echoes as soldiers, police forces and other groups able to assist in the desperate defence attack from behind cover.

Chemo forges onward, determined now for whatever reason to reach the thing we are protecting, to hurt us. From his direction, the Eiffel Tower itself. Striding right into our trap. A dozen requisitioned fire-engines unleash their hoses on the monster, carving him up like jello.

Unfortunately we lose track of him as he is flushed down into the storm drains. His torn skin pulled along behind him.

He emerged several blocks further downtown, demolishing the metro station in the process.

From the looks of it, the military have finally decided to bring out the big guns as tanks and multiple attack helicopters pull into range and unleash everything they have. The block itself is levelled under the bombardment and Chemo screams.

"GGGGGGGGggggg!!!!!!" Echoed as the green creature was torn apart by the high explosive munitions.

He began to regenerate in place, to be beaten down again by concentrated fire.

I intervened as the green thing began to pull itself stubbornly back together yet again. Barriers cutting into the goop, scooping the majority out… the core I hoped. I flew away, carrying the halved thing, hoping it was helpless. It had left mass behind, hopefully this wouldn't create smaller clones.

Past a certain point, reports indicated the rest of it was chasing the 'core'.

However even weakened it struggled to escape, throwing it's seemingly deflated self at the barrier. Flexing and expanding inside, trying to use pressure to burst the bubble shield that held it contained.

Layering barriers helps, I find. The innermost shatters, the next cracks but the third holds long enough for me to slam the whole thing into the walk-in freezer of an ice cream manufacturer.

Pinning it down I wait for it to freeze.

"Ggggg!!!" It cries, struggling against potential checkmate. The triple layered barrier seems too much for it.

I've turned the dial on the freezer to maximum output, as I watch it begin to slow down with a grin. The other half flows inside nearly an hour later as I struggle to hold the main body at my mercy. I catch it as it attempts to deluge me by pouring from the roof like rain. Wait, no. That's a distraction!

The barriers fail as it struggles in a last ditch effort on the inside and envelops and crushes the outside. Whole again, but severely chilled it begins to attempt to leave the freezer.

No, you don't get to escape!

My power cannibalises the factory in range, machinery disassembling, wiring unconnected to the freezer uncoiling. It's almost solid. I give it everything, down to screws and bolts but once Green has momentum all I can do is get out of the way.

It bursts out the wall, emerging into the cross-hairs of what would amount to a small army. Who immediately opened fire. Thousands of bullets chewed the giant, every second, rendering it's regeneration void for long enough it bled out… temporarily.

I slammed a bench torn from a rest area down into the mass of chilled goop, Slicing it up and hurling it back into the freezer. I layered barriers over quartered sections of the monster, sealing it in for the long haul.

Only when a massive transport helicopter appeared overhead hauling on cables below it a semi-trailer tanker labelled liquid helium did I feel relief.

I gave a chuckle as Fleur leaned out the helicopter side door to wave.

Watching that green pile of goo being turned into chunks of ice, was worth the effort.

"Gggggg..." It whined.

Shut up, already!

I didn't realise until much later that the news helicopter was still circling, with friends. At some point I had lost my gas mask. When I got knocked down, I think. World wide, my face had become as recognisable as Superman's in mere minutes.

"Fuck." I whispered, realising. I really hope fake glasses work that well for me.