Rong Rong.....

"...W-what? You? I don't know." Chu Yuri didn't take Sun Zheng seriously because her mind was about to explode from anxiety about how she will torture this Su Rong.

"Go away or I will call a police—" before Sun Zheng finished his words, he heard Sun Hua saying, "Number two, give me your shirt."

"Okey." Unlike his harsh and cold words to the strangers, Sun Zheng immediately took his shirt out to give Sun Hua without any complaints to show his soft and chubby naked chest.

Sun Zheng was embarrassed by his body since he has a circle belly like an old man unlike Sun Zen who had a little but muscled body. Looking at the people gossiping about his body, Sun Zheng shamelessly asked, "What? Never seen a good body?!"

The people can't help but chuckle. What is there to see of a five years old child body?

Sun Hua was cleaning her mother's blood that falls from her arm meanwhile Sun Hemi was crying remembering the scene when her mother ran to save her not even caring about her own life.

"M-Mommy *sob* is hurt to save me...sister, will she be *sob* alright? Blame me *sob*! What if mommy didn't wake up? Ahhh...!" Stopping sobbing Sun Hemi started to cry pitifully.

"She is okey. Hemi, don't worry she is just fallen asleep." Sun Hua behaved like a big one and cleaned Sun Hemi's tears before she asked, "Liu Tian, can I use your phone?"

"Here.." Liu Tian immediately gave her.

Calling the number which her mother usually call Huang Qing's phone number, Sun Hua was picked by Huang Qing who sound like she was still sleeping.

"Hello, the owner of this phone is dead call to heaven instead." Huang Qing was about to hang the phone but she heard a soft voice of a child.

"Auntie Qing, I am Sun Hua. My mommy got an accident so can you go first to the hospital to be her guardian since we are young we can't be responsible of that." Sun Hua spoke calmly making Huang Qing stand up from her bed like a zombie from shock.

"What?! What happened to my baby? Is she okey? Where are you?!" Huang Qing was too shocked to hear that the best friend of hers who come back yesterday got an accident today.

"She is okey only an arm is broken and she is asleep now. We are on the way to the Song cooperation but we will go to the hospitals when the ambulance come so you better head to the hospital." Sun Hua explained calmly which made Huang Qing more worried.

How can be so calm? Did something terrible happened to her baby? Was that the reason Sun Hua sound calm from the horrified scene she witnessed. And why near the Song cooperation? Did that jerk Song Tinglui tried something to take his children after what she yesterday told him?

Blame her! She shouldn't have told him anything! Blaming herself while running the stairs with only her bag, Huang Qing got in her car with her little yet sexy pyjamas.


"Boss, there is a crowd on the road." Roel informed Song Tinglui. Since it is work time instead 'Tinglui' Roel started to call him 'boss' which is his way to keep his profession when it is needed.

Song Tinglui didn't mind how Roel called him since his mind was only thinking about Su Rong so when he heard what Roel said he immediately replied, "Find another route."

"Yes." Roel stopped the car near the crown to search another route. Sun Zen looked through the window to see Sun Zheng's naked chest. Sun Zen immediately recognised his little brother so he ran out the car leaving Song Tinglui and Roel behind.

Sun Zheng was annoyed and angry by how the stupid people only try to come closer to the victim while they can't help anything except standing there to bother them especially that woman. Chu Yuri knew it won't be easy to get Su Rong since the ugly child in front of her was is really hard to deal so after hearing him say he will call a police she immediately shut up. She won't believe that when the ambulance come they won't let her go with them after she told them she knows Su Rong.

"Zheng!" Sun Zen pushed the crowd to see his mother and sisters laying on the floor and Sun Zen warning the people to stay away.

"Brother! Thank god! You are finally here. Where were you? Are you alright? We were worried about you." Sun Zheng hugged Sun Zen happily which made Sun Hua and Sun Hemi look at them with smile.

"Mommy..." Sun Zen heisted with his eyes turning red afraid something may happened to his mother because of his foolish mistake.

"Big brother....*sob*! Mommy is hurt to save me. Brother, will mommy be okey?" Sun Hemi sobbed in her big brother's hug when she finally found someone she can rely on.

"Shh. She will be okey. How about you? Are you hurt somewhere?" Sun Zen was like their father who coax his children.

"...I am alright." Sun Hemi gave a little smile.

Whipping her tears Sun Zen then said, "Good girl. Later when mommy woke up, you will get an ice cream from your big brother of behaving so good."

After making sure Sun Hemi was alright, Sun Zen went to Sun Hua to ask, "How is mommy?"

"She is okey only fell asleep and got her left arm broken but now it is good. We already called the ambulance so they will come soon." Sun Hua reported to her big brother.

Sun Zen sighed in relief but in fact he was blaming himself of being too careless and putting his family in danger. If he had informed or been more careful, his family must be now eating their breakfast at their home instead going out to search him.

When Sun Zen first looked at his little sister crying, his heart really hurt and he only wanted to comfort her knowing that Sun Hemi is weaker than Sun Hua when it comes at dealing with such situation so he didn't want to leave any shadow in his siblings life. Even when he didn't knew the situation of his mother, he decided to coax his sister first afraid she will be traumatic in the future and blame herself.

But this all doesn't mean that it didn't left any shadow in his own life after all he was the reason why they are like this. As an eldest man in their family, he needed to protect them not hurt them!

The situation of Suns not only made Chu Yuri but also the other people stunned. Those children are indeed not ordinary but that is not the point because the main point was Su Rong who was struggling to wake up.

"Big brother, mommy's eyes are moving!" Sun Hemi yelled happily.

"Let me see." Sun Hua looked at her mother to find that Su Rong was already woken up.

"Mommy!" Sun Zheng and Sun Hemi hugged their mother happily as usual meanwhile Sun Zen and Sun Hua stood like adults who didn't need hug.

"Oh, my babies." Su Rong hissed when her left arm hurt and Sun Hua said, "Your arm is okey but it needs time to heal since you bone has been moved—"

Before Sun Hua finished her words a man interrupted her words by his hoarse voice calling, "Rong Rong...."