Chapter 2 The Titans


The boulder in front of me had shattered, but that didn't stop the rest of the debris from the wall slamming into Shiganshina and its citizens. Everywhere around me people died, and Titans flooded into Shiganshina, ready to slaughter everyone within the walls.

Currently though, my attention was completely capture by the being in front of me. Its skin was a strange hue of purple with long wavy hair, it was adorned in various pieces of armour along with a loincloth and short scarf.

This, this was a being I knew well, he was or it, was a being that anyone who had surfed the internet for more than a week would know about, Star Platinum.

'B-But how? Is this like, my cheat? Or is it possible, that someone else has a stand in Attack On Titan? But I can see it, so doesn't that mean I'd have to have a stand of my own? ...What the hell is going on.' My thoughts wandered as I gazed at the being, but there was no time to ponder.

"Oi, oi, Erwin we have to cover the retreat of civilians. Luckily I brought some gas and blades with me, but it won't be enough to kill all of them." Levi told me hurriedly, the confusion still visible on his face but he also realised that time was limited.

"...Yes." I replied as I looked around me. Some people had already died, some were running past us as we were speaking, others long gone, while a few were currently being attacked by the Titans.

"Levi charge ahead and save any surviving civilians, I'll try save those being attacked by stray titans." I commanded, and without any objections, Levi quickly turned his horse around towards the gap in the wall.

"At best I can delay them for a while but many have already entered, I'll leave those to you, Captain." He answered before charging ahead. A few seconds later and Levi was out of my sight, but Star Platinum still remained.

Seeing this I had a realisation, but I quickly suppressed my desire to experiment and quickly located the nearest titan. Even if I couldn't necessarily kill it, I could still act as bait with my horse.

A few minutes later I managed to arrive about 100 meters in front of the titan, it was about 8 meters tall, with brown hair, its mouth agape as if it couldn't wait to eat me whole. At first I thought about how I could kill it, but then I realised it was probably best to use the old fashioned way.

Taking out my blades I quickly activated my gear, the right hook firing into its left shoulder allowing me to fly into the air, swooping around the titan and arriving a few meters behind its neck.

I swiftly detached my right hook, and then quickly launched my left hook before slashing down towards it, hitting right into its nape. '1 meter long, 10 centimeters wide.' I thought to myself as I slashed through.

The Titan, stopped movement completely after this attack and began to turn into smoke meaning my job here was done. I had quickly rode on my horse once again and began to venture to the next titan.

'.....That was surprisingly much easier than I thought it would be, then again I must have had some kind of skill inheritance from Erwin and it was probably a really dumb titan too.' I mused when I suddenly came upon a crumbled house and a woman buried underneath it.

"H-Help!" She cried out as she saw me. "Don't worry Madam, I'll help you out." I quickly replied as I got off my horse and hurried towards the rubble. 'Of all people I had to find Carla Jaeger.'

Putting this train of thought aside I quickly began to life the rubble off of her, to no avail. "You're pretty st-" I was about to say when suddenly I heard a shout from behind. "MOM!" A young boy screamed as he rushed towards us along with a young girl behind him.

"Boy, help me lift your mother out of the rubble." I commanded him swiftly before continuing to try my best to lift the rubble. Hearing this the young boy and girl began to quickly help me lift the rubble yet again, but sadly it wasn't enough.

The house had been thoroughly crushed and Carla was underneath it all, it would be impossible to lift off her, unless I did something.

To make matters worse, it had appeared, the Smiling Titan. It was a blonde titan which as it name suggested had a perpetual smile on its face, that and it being the first Titan to kill a human being in the series made it quite an ominous Titan.

"P-Please, TAKE MY CHILDREN AND RUN!" Carla screamed, as she noticed the approaching Titan, hearing this I was about to respond, when a short-haired, blond, hazel eyed man appeared. "Soldier, please take these children and retreat." I quickly commanded.

"W-W...." He responded confusedly. "I said take the children and retreat!" I repeated myself before turning my vision towards Star Platinum.

As this was going on the Titan began to approach, and Carla also pleaded Hannes to take the children, so without much choice the man grabbed the children and began to flee.

On the other hand I stayed behind as the titan approached. "Sir, please run there's no hope for me." Carla cried out, but I wasn't focusing on her at the moment. My eyes were locked onto Star Platinum, and then with all my might I made a lifting motion towards the rubble.

In a flash, as if understanding my intent perfectly, Star Platinum quickly lifted the rubble off of Carla, but the Titan was closing in. "H-How." She said in shock, but there was no time, I quickly grabbed her and ran towards my horse before riding away.

The Smiling Titan was an Abnormal, not only that but the amount of Titans had increased tremendously, just by killing 1 Titan and saving Carla I had already done more than my fair share of good, and not only that but I had brought Levi along too.

A few seconds later we caught up to Hannes, and the children since they weren't that far away. "Mom!" The boy shouted out in joy as we approached. "Listen Soldier, give me your gas and blades, and please take this Lady and the kids to the interior. I suspect that not only will Shiganshina fall today but Wall Maria as well so be as swift as possible." I quickly explained before reaching out for his supplies.

Hearing this Hannes was baffled, he couldn't believe what I was saying but that was irrelevant. Luckily Hannes had enough sense not to question me at this moment and just gave me the gas and blades.

"I am sorry about this, but these will be under much better use with my comrade." I told them as Hannes took Carla off the horse. "I wish you luck in your retreat, and see you two later."