Chapter 5 Battle

"RAAAAA!" The Armoured Titan roared as it gazed upon me its body rising from its previous kneeling position. Immediately it took a lowered stance as if getting ready to charge right into me.

'That's odd, has he really decided to take me out first before breaking the wall? Then again that is probably the smartest move at this point in time.' I thought to myself before looking towards Star Platinum. Could this being really defeat that massive titan? I didn't know at the time if I am being honest.

Seeing as the Armoured Titan was about to make a move, I decided that now was my chance to attack. Star Platinum jumped into the air again pulling me with him allows us to get at least 10 meters above the Armoured Titan.

I then quickly shot a hook towards the building behind the Armoured Titan launching myself towards him. Although I had done many weird thing at this point, the Armoured Titan was still shocked, taking multiple seconds to process what was going on. Which was more than enough time for me to reach the Armoured Titan.


I heard Star Platinum scream as he punched into the Armoured Titan's jaw. This punch was so strong it created visible cracks in the Titan's Armour, which although wasn't the best outcome was still a shock to me. I along with Star Platinum then landed onto the roof of the house, where I began to formulate my next move.

'So if I can crack the armour then that means if Star Platinum punches it enough then it will eventually break...... doesn't this mean I just have to barrage the shit out of the armour?' I contemplated, before jumping high into the air again.

Time was of the essence, and although a plan was important, kicking the enemy while they were down was also an important aspect of a battle. In a matter of a second I quickly hooked onto the building I was previously on once again and launched towards it in the same manner as before.

As far as I could tell it seemed as if the Armoured Titan was still just as dazed as before but not all was as it seemed. The Armoured Titan's hand moved like lightning grabbing onto the wire in a flash fiercely pulling it sending me hurtling to the side.

My body flew towards Wall Maria at frightening speed, I then hurriedly hooked onto the top of the wall using my right hook and released the gas while Star Platinum cut off my left hook.

Running up the wall with my remaining momentum I somehow survived the attack, although I had lost one of my hooks in the process.


I sighed in relief before disengaging my right hook. Star Platinum then gripped onto the wall, tearing through the stone as we descended towards the ground. As we approached the height of the Armoured Titan, Star Platinum then jumped towards the Titan, dragging my body along with him, before I launched my right hook directly onto the neck of the Armoured Titan.


I screamed as my body flew at the Titan at extreme speeds, and before the Titan could even react I had reached him.


Star Platinum screamed as it barraged the Titan in the face, pushing it back slightly with every punch. In a matter of seconds the Armoured Titan had already been pushed back 20 meters, its face looking like it had been slapped by the god of slapping himself.


With one last punch the Armoured Titan finally fell to the ground, defeated. "Now be a good boy and go to sleep." I said as I reached the roof of a building, at this point a lot of titans had already gathered around us, so it was time for me to nigerundayo.

"This was fun, but now I've gotta go, see ya later Armoured boy!" I waved towards him before launching towards the wall once again, escaping from the ruins of Shiganshina.