Chapter 8 Gathering Help

"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!" Star Platinum screamed as it punched its fists out relentlessly smashing a boulder apart. 'After a week of training I can confidently say that I have him under my control.' I thought with a smile before willing the stand back into my body.

The training was, albeit taxing, not as difficult as I thought it would be, sure I couldn't stop time or anything at least no just yet but I would have no difficulty dealing with any humans. 'Maybe Levi or Kenny.... who am I kidding Star Platinum could fight them both simultaneously while blind with 1 finger and still kill them both.'

After this little episode I headed back to the Survey Corps base. Things were getting worse and worse within the walls. Food was running low and just as in the original the people were being put to plow the fields.

'Its truly a pity, while the commoners work for the greater good, those officials upstairs only care about sending them to their deaths.' Sighing I tied up my horse before entering the base. My plan wasn't perfect by any means, and relied a lot on chance but thus was the way of Erwin a man who gambled with fate at every opportunity.

"Are you all ready?" I asked, locking eyes with those in front of me. Due to the nature of Attack On Titan, I wasn't sure who could be trusted, especially considering the 104th had yet to be entered into the Survey Corps, so all I could rely on was my intuition.

Sitting in the room in front of me, was Levi for obvious reasons, Hange and Mike Zacharias. I decided that these 3 would determine whether we lived or died. "Captain Levi, Squad Leader Hange, Squad Leader Mike, do you know why I've gathered you all today?" I asked as I looked through the room.

They were all visibly confused which was only natural. "I have a plan to recapture Wall Maria while its not foolproof if you can all follow my orders to the letter then I say we have about a 70% chance of success." I explained.

Levi didn't seem to care one bit, but I knew this meant that he agreed, while Hange seemed to be in thought, Mike on the other hand had a flash of doubt in his eyes before simply nodding his head. Soon after Hange also agreed.

"Please do understand, that when I tell you this you have to trust me and can't doubt my words even for a second or this may all crumble apart, some things won't make sense at first but I promise I'll explain everything one day." I vowed once again garnering trust was hard and trying to do the right thing was harder.

It was easier for me to let nature take its course and simply capture Bertolt Reiner and Annie sooner, but by doing that I'd be sacrificing 100s of thousands which I was sure Erwin would do his best to save if he was in my place with my knowledge.

"....Erwin you know my position." Levi mumbled seemingly uninterested. "I'll be honest I am not too sure about this, heck I don't even know the plan yet but you were a great Squad Captain and I am sure you'll be a great Commander too." Hange agreed, only Mike was left.

"I am in." Mike declared, everyone I needed was with me at this point now it was time to truly gamble. "Mike I require you to find a man named Rod Reiss from the Reiss family and then give me his location. Once you find his location Captain Levi and I will make our move, Hange I need you to find me three children namely Annie Leonhart, Bertolt Hoover, and Reiner Braun make sure not to alarm them." I explained my plan, sure it was a long shot make no mistake but wasn't life just a series of long shot decisions which we make?

Needless to say Mike and Hange were confused, firstly Rod Reiss was an unimportant unknown character in their eyes at least, while the order to find three children was even more odd. "My orders have to be followed without question for this to work, please do believe me." I continued, how people would react was a variable in any plan and that could be a good or bad thing, I just hoped it would be the former in my case.

"Understood." Mike and Hange replied in unison, they then left the room to begin their tasks. "What now?" Levi questioned as we locked eyes. "Its time convince Commander Pixis of our plan." I replied before rising from my chair.

'Pixis, Rod, and Kenny, as long as they follow my plan, then Paradis can be safe at least for the next few year.' I sighed before departing from the room Levi in tow.