Get in the way

"Sharon… you're a banshee?" Roselyn murmured still in disbelief and shock. She knew Sharon and how much she was obsessed with King John, why would she do all that just to harm him? Maybe for revenge? Roselyn was confused and so many doubts were filling her mind, doubting every minute she spent with her sister.

"Yes, Roselyn. I am, just like you." She said beginning to walk around her like a beast surrounding her victim waiting to attack. "The only difference is that I am probably ten times stronger than you and I had been improving and practicing my powers for years."

Roselyn couldn't lie to herself, she was so scared seeing how her powers reduced the poor sage and still seeing John and his brother in trace and hallucinating.

Sharon began to walk toward a door in the left and when she opened it, Roselyn peeked to see King William. He was tied to a metallic chain and wasn't unable to move or to talk for the bandage over his mouth.