We don't need her help

Roselyn recognized the woman who walked inside, it was the vampire who used to threaten her and made her and John have the first argument when John called her a pawn for his plan.

She walked with a swaying walk and when she saw John her eyes sparkled, as soon as her gaze traveled toward his brother and his father her jaw dropped and her eyes widened.

"it's true, you're alive." She whispered gazing at William, John rolled her eyes. "What are you doing here?" John asked stretching his hand toward his brother who was already charging waiting to attack. The woman's gaze moved toward her and scanned her upside down, "and you're alive as well, unfortunately." She said but her gaze seemed serious. Roselyn glowered at her, she didn't like her. She was so beautiful and at the same time so annoying, she seemed like one of the thousands of ladies obsessed with the King, the only difference was that they were humans but she was a vampire and she shared a past with him.