Reason with him

Roselyn worried tried to get up from the sofa and run away from him but as predictable the doctor speeded toward her and before she could turn around the already injected the black liquid in her arm.

When John and Roselyn woke up they were bound back to back. 

"I am sorry John I really am. But a pregnant banshee would be too dangerous. We don't want to let history repeat itself." The doctor said as he sighed gazing at them whimpering to get free.

"She will start the ancestry again and you know how many issues banshees created." The doctor continued. John kept groaning and whimpering his bounded hands.

"Did you poison her?" John asked gazing at the wound where the doctor shot her.

"No, I just …" 

Hearing Roselyn's question John groaned so aloud that the wall trembled and the doctor froze of fear. He swallowed down gazing at John who revealed his long fangs and bent his head down he got rid of the rope and freed himself.