Unconditional love

John and Ethan walked into the castle and Roselyn held her breath as she stared at John waiting for an answer. When her gaze traveled toward Ethan's foot and hand and she realized he was healed she took a breath of relief.

"The potion worked perfectly," John said smiling at his brother who nodded.

Ethan placed his hand over his chest and breathed out all the concern he gathered during the hours of their absence.

"Is it a special potion for supernatural's wounds?" Roselyn asked knitting her eyebrows down and John nodded.

"Yes, it was an ancient potion that one of the magicians gave me in case some creature in Kratez would get severe injections but I only have to use it in an emergency," John commented.

Roselyn walked toward John and wrapped her hand around his hips.

"We should go now," John suggested so the couple cheered Ethan and William.