Final Battle [3]

The maids created a huge protective shield with their bodies as they tried to resist the snakes hitting them repeatedly to make them fall. Yet they seemed unwilling to give up.

Until all of a sudden behind them appeared a familiar person, when Sharon recognized Abigail she swallowed hard and shook her head vigorously.

Sharon knew her sister turned into a vampire but seeing her long fangs and her red eyes quite shocked her, however, her new appearance wasn't as shocking as seeing Abigail's son. She heard she was pregnant but he had grown up so quickly he was probably a teenager.

"Abigail stays out of this," Sharon said, raising her voice. Sharon didn't dislike Abigail, at least not as much as Roselyn, and Abigail didn't do anything bad to her so she had no purpose in harming her. Her revenge was on Roselyn and she didn't want Abigail to get in the middle of her plans.