Date [1]

The restaurant began serving food to the only table taken, the one where John and Rose sat. It was at the center of the table and around it, there were plenty of vases and flowers.

The food was served by two well-mannered waiters who sounded so excited to be serving the royal couple that they made sure to use the politest sentence and the most formal ones.

They started serving appetizers and then pour a prestigious wine into their glasses.

When he left a chuckle escaped from Roselyn's lips. She had never been in a resort so classy. It seemed even huger since it was empty and every little noise echoed in the lunchroom of the restaurant.

Roselyn glanced down to the shrimp canapés, a common dish known as open tarts. Roselyn grabbed one and took a bite of it.

Plano music began to play and Roselyn's smile grow bigger.