miss Steward

Felicity narrowed her eyes to focus, after a long excruciating effort she finally had the vision.

The house she viewed was so dark that she could barely see the furnitures or the colors of the walls.

Felicity didn't move and the light slightly got in the room, spreading in the house and allowing her to view the the house finally.

In front of here there were two young people, probably 25 years old or so, they were arguining about something but their voices were inaudible.

Felicity took few steps forward in order to hear better what they said and only in few minutes she finally was able to hear them.

The couple was inanemately arguining anout whether to keep their baby or not.

They probably were a young couple who didn't understand how easy it was to get pregnant.

They found themselves in a complicated situation and they weren't able to take a situation.