Las Islas Felipinas

After I finished my culinary I then tried to work for restaurants knowing that it never worked out when I'm working with somebody then as expected I didn't last long and after 2 years I resigned having no goal nor motivation I spent my days reading old books in my house and after living a life of not working.

1 year have passed.

I was 20 years old at the monent and the books at my house aren't limited so I decided to hit the Library the one in the city.

After arriving at the library I saw an interesting flyer it says"librarian wanted". For me it was an ideal job so I decided to go to the front desk and apply for the job. There is an old woman at the desk so I decided to ask her.

Hello ma'am is the job for the librarian still available ?

Yes it is, are you interested in applying for that job ?

Actually yes , I wanted to read books so I went here to read some but I didn't expect that you needed a librarian so I decided to take that offer , I am proud that I can organize books well.

Oh what an admirable guy well then do you mind starting today?

Okay sure what do I have to do first then?

Actually we lack tall guys to put the books at the high shelf , so its good that you had come and took the job its good to have a man around, then see those piled books over there take it and put it all on the shelf C 12th row you can see the label of each bookshelf on its side just put the book anywhere at that shelf ofcourse you need to put it on its back revealing its title first yes ?

Okay ma'am .

I didn't think I would land a jackpot here , well then books over there. . .

Oh that must be it , "Las Islas Felipinas" this looks like a book that contains the history of Philippines. Gotta put it aside for now and put back the other books, she said I will put them on shelf C row 12th ... there it is. .

Well now then, thats done gonna ask ma'am if what will I do next.

I finished putting all the boxes in shelf C is there anything more to do ?

Nothing more, you said earlier that you came here to read right ? Go ahead and read for a while I saw you took an interest at that one book go and read it first we dont have any visitors at the moment.

Actually I am curious on what is that book all about Las Islas Felipinas ?

Oh that was the book that you took interest in ? Actually that book was a mystery it has no author it was just left here I believe it is not a book related to history of the Philippines also as it sounds like. The contents are bit vague it resembles a novel more than a historic book its about a King named Asterio who conquered all of Asia go ahead and read it for yourself.


Quiet down now this is the library remember if you're gonna work here atleast know the rules.

Sorry about that ma'am I just got a little too excited , then excuse me ma'am I'm gonna read that book first.

Hmm, she said it was a novel and got nothing to do with the history of the Philippines , though that novel is quite interesting who is the that guy named King Asterio , he was a king who conquered half of the world he claimed all of asia he was a wise man a great strategist and a conqueror who conquered Asia without bloodshed.

Heh ? That was a cliche character as if someone could conquer without even killing someone , talk about unrealistic well its a novel after all. Well then time to read this book .

[ Chapter 1 ]

Hmm ? Its blank ?

I flipped the whole pages it was all blank what is the meaning of this ?

I put my face into it just to make sure , maybe it is encrypted message some text can be seen through fire or seen through getting them wet lets see then. I have a bottled water luckily I have brought a bottle of mineral that I can drink.

But is it alright if I wet a book I dont own ? Ahhh I don't care anymore if it is a book no one can read then I am the first one to read it encrypted or not, someone said nothing ventured nothing gained .

So I poured water . . .

5 secs later nothing is happening . Actually I'm more surprised that the book isn't getting wet at all. Hmm there is nothing happening should I use my cellphone to take a video of this book that has a paper that doesn't get wet . Might try the internet if they have answers.

So I decided to take a video of it ... wait its glowing some text are showing up. .

"Ika'y tunay na Hari ang taga pag lipon ng karamihan at bayani na mag bibigay ng kapantayan na estado sa mundo" It says.

"You are the true king who will gather all and a hero who will give equality to the world"

The book is tagalog. This is amazing knowing most books are written in english even here in the Philippines but what does this mean. Is this the story of the book or is it talking to me ? Well its a book so I may be crazy if I think its talking to me. But true king huh ? That doesn't sound bad. I guess it was referring to King Asterio what a cool name Asterio in old word it means star isn't it. But what does it mean "will gather all", does it still refer to King Asterio the more I know the more I think that king is a huge man.