WebNovelWrong Era16.67%


Sorry , I don't seem to recollect any memories but If I went to see that lake that you are talking about , I might remember something.

(As I said to Yara)

How can you have any memory of it when you haven't even saw it before. More ever you haven't even stepped out of our tribe even once , you have left our tribe once and look at what happened you got assaulted and returned without conciousness and asleep for more than a week are you saying that you want to get in trouble again after you just recovered forget about leaving . (Eya replied to him who looks very angry.)

( This little girl looks like she knows many things about me maybe she is this boys precious close friend lucky him , when I was living my life before , no one was like this to me. The way she talks she really cares about her friend. )

Thats right Asterio , what Eya is saying is right your body is very weak and you been laying in bed for more than a week so I'm sure you can't even move an inch , recover your body first and rest I will talk to your brother about it when you fully recovered , I like you to recover your memories also but that isn't important right now. The important thing is you have to fully recover . Sit down and eat first I have fruits and chicken so you could replenish your strength , you haven't consumed anything for the past week except for liquids so you are so thin.

(She gave me a banana leaf that had many fruits , I saw banana ,kiwi and pineapple at the side is half a chicken it looks like its roated)

Thank you .

(As I took the leaf the she gave me , Immidiately took a bite of the deliciously looking chicken I remembered the roasted chicken sold on the streets before, and for some reason I felt so hungryyyy so this is what it feels after not eating for a week.)

(As I ate the chicken I instantly noticed it has no flavor only the flavor the charred flavor of the fire as expected of roasted and the natural flavor of chicken It doesn't taste bad but the taste of herbs and spices that enhances the chickens flavor can't be seen on this chicken maybe because cooking was not yet as complex as it is in this era.)

(Hmm. . . The fruits are delicious . I guess some things never change even if hundreds of years pass huh.)

( I can make it more delicious and tell them how to do it ,but I don't think if they have it or not. But if era is around 1200's as I guessed then they have it , fermented soy beans are introduced by China around 3000 years ago knowing china they have already exported some in east asia and southeast asia including the philippines and looking at the wares on this house they already use clay pots and not rocks for cooking ,means that their cooking knowledge are greater than stone age a little bit. )

( If its filipino dishes then first to make is Adobo right "marinated in soy and added vinegar to make it long lasting")

Mother do we have fermented bean liquid and vinegar ?

Do you mean soy yes we have but a jar only its so scarce so we have so little , since we are from the tribe leaders family we do have it we rarely use it. It is only used for grand occation since its very hard to make . We dip our fish on it and it taste very luxurious mostly tribe leaders and their families can only afford it taste it. But vinegar we have so many of it since we can produce it by ourselves why are you asking are you interested in making a meal now ?

(So they have it, there are many thing I can do with it, but they only use it a dipping sauce how wasteful you can use soy in many things. Philippines is known as the country of spices so the spanish went so far travelling half of the world just for spices.)

Asterio , you will cook food ? Even if you are physically weak there is no need to do a womens work . Everyone would laugh at you , don't worry in 5 years I will cook for you. (Said by Eya.)

(Oh I remember , only women do the house chores before and men do the hunting and protecting the village from invaders that way they sharpen their skills by fighting everyday.)

Don't worry there is no gender in making good food . Mother can I use your ingridients I will make a food for you.

Can you even cook ? Do you know how to hold a knife ?

Yes I can cook don't worry and just wait .

"I went to get chicken and hold it upside down to slith its throat and drain all of its blood and then got hot water on the pot not a boiling one just around 149℃ then put the chicken submerged it into the hot water holding its feet upside down to easily pluck its feathers or you can just pour the water on the chicken if you dont a have a large pot."

"After I finished plucking all of its feather , Cut the head and then carefully cutting around the neck connected on its body after that remove the foot ,there is a joint connecting the foot and the legs and cut it off and turn the chicken flat on its back raise its legs and cut above its butt to remove the innards pull out every innards using your barehands so that you wont damage any organ or it will ruin the taste of the meat, once you pulled it out clean it with water inside out and break it into 4 pieces , legs , thigh , breast , wings . Put it aside then peel off an onion then cut it into half making it into 2 make a wedges also get a garlic and peel it off and put your knife above it and bash it. Heat on the pot and put fat oil in it, then put the chopped onion first then followed by the pounded garlic it adds flavor and fragrance to the chicken and the onions make the chicken meat tender , after the onions and garlic put the breaked chicken on the pot sear in on each side to have color. Then pour 2 cups of water , soy , vinegar , peppers , bay leaves , salt and sugar , cover it for 15 minutes and simmer down for another 5 minutes ."

Did you just put in so many soy on what you are cooking are you insaneeee!? (Eya shockingly shouted.)

You know Asterio , I know and I get it why Eya is so surprise you just poured so many soy sauce on the pot since soy is a luxurious that only high class people can enjoy Eya is from a normal family but what surprises me more is that how you handle the knife and fire , I didn't teach you how to do it but you looked liked you are very skilled at it how come ?

(Oh yeah right she didn't know I was inside this body , I was a culinary graduate before I woke up here. She doesn't have any clue on what happened to her child. She looks like a friendly mother , I didn't have a mother so I would like to treat her as one and forget my past life as Tristan and live the life of Asterio , Yara's son. )