WebNovelWrong Era26.19%

Spear not swords

I went and provoked Norja , but I have to think wisely on what to do but frankly it is easy to defeat him but to be sure I want to defeat him as quickly as possible since realizing this body really lacks strength just from walking from the house to here exhausted me .

I could use sword but swords are heavy and you need great skills to use a sword , the best thing to use is a spear , more ever the spear has been known as the easiest weapons to use since ancient time , and it is a better choice as weapon if you fight on a one on one situation . You have range advantage and you can use it to parry strikes and fake him and most importantly you can distract him because he will not know when or where will you strike. Skilled spearmens can even fight many men only using a spear that even a master swordsman can't. I can understand why they use sword since Philipphines is a country that is surrounded by forest and using a longe weapon is a disadvantage but that is a story when you are at the forest. But here there is nothing to obscure the spear.

"What ? Why are you standing there for so long , all the thing you have said are you all talk and you got scared and realized you cant even fight."

"Okay I have decided"

I picked up the spear it was long enough at 2 meters long at length it wasn't that heavy since it was thin .

"What are you planning to catch a fish or something ?"

Oh of course he doesn't know , in the Philippines spear is known as "Sibat" a type of weapon that you use to catch a prey. They think the only way to use it is to throw it. Good he doesn't know how scary a spear when used properly. The Romans who realized the importance of spear used it in many battle as front line they are skilled to use a spear and won many battles using the spear. Because of the range of it if you rush into them you would just be skewered to death.

"And the fish will be you, I'm gonna catch a big fish who doesn't know how to fight and only uses strength and losses."

"Does your attitude came from your brother your arrogance are the same but I can understand why Ales is arrogant but for you who can't even fight there is nothing you have to become arrogant."

"If you say so ? But you will realize it the moment we fight, brother you too watch how will we fight the way you fight is too tiring and long you have the skills but you aren't good enough."

". . . ."

There is no response he was just looking at both of us, I'm sure he's angry but I don't care I want him to learn what he lacks and adopt it on his own and become more skillful.

Knowing Norja he will charge at me the first thing the fight starts. He knows I am weak so he will rush to me and strike me and knock me in one strike knowing I am using the spear there is no way I can block my spear would break and I would fly away with this small body.

I crouched a little and took something and I am ready to fight.

"Okay let's start, attack whenever you're ready"

As I said that I used my hand and provoked him asking to come.

He looked confused but as soon as I finished he attacked as I guessed he would attack , I distanced myself a little back and he was near he waved his sword but before he was about to wave it I thrusted my spear on his chest and that got him panicked and stopped his attack and he lowered his sword and was about to rush to me I threw dirt at his face that I picked up earlier.

"What a dirty ! -- "

I heared my brothers voice from afar while he was watching.

That slight moment of dristaction caused him his defeat , he got distracted and covered his eyes , while covering his eyes I didn't miss that oppurtunity , I thrusted my spear at his head but he was able to see it barely and dodge it . After he dodge it he got outbalanced I quickly pulled back my spear and aim it at his feet and using the length of the spear I sweeped his feet using my spear and he fell down on his behind and I aimed my spear at his neck. He let go of his sword that was a declaration that he admits defeat.

I looked back at my brother and saw his face , he was surprised. No wonder he was surprised his brother that doesn't know how to fight easily defeated someone he fought for so long and barely defeated him but his brother known for his weakbody won in just a minute.

"Do you realize now ? It's not about your strength , strength matters yes but you could stronger if you know how to use your strength you are no doubt stronger than my brother you just don't know how to fight ."

"What , I just couldn't believe I lost there is no excuse but I didn't know you could fight like that with a spear you even distracted me with a dirt I can say that was a dirty move if I didn't fall for it I would've won."

"You just said there was no excuse right now did you ? You lost thats all that matters. You underestimated me because I am weak you even laughed at my weapon but look at you now. You lost , you didn't know how to use a spear you recklessly attacked me knowing I was using a long weapon did you just think I picked a spear just to throw it at you ? You even said what I did was dirty? There is no such thing if we fought for real you would've been dead in less that a minute."

"Just what happened to you ? The Asterio I know doesn't know that stuff he wasn't talkative in the first place."

"I am Asterio , I just woke up after a week of sleeping , well then you remember what you said right ? You would listen to me and stop complaining hahaha, now Norja call my brother for me he's next."