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The first book

Several day have passed since they started learning how to write.

They quickly learned how to read and write excluding Norja, well I quite expected him to give up learning after a few days.

I can relate to it.

Its like having something new to do so you are passionate about it then after a few days you get bored and would goof off.

I thought it was only a thing during 2000's but even here as well I guess it was passed down by genes Haha, inshort this is this guys fault!

I felt leaving him alone so while mother was teaching them, I taught Norja exercises and stretching to make him more agile he already got a great punch of strength after all at the same making his stamina more stable.

I made him do things like jumping jacks and running so he wont ran out of gas after a few minutes into a fight.

After a few days he was following what I told him I am already seeing some improvement just a little bit though, you can't become strong overnight after all in a few months or even years he will be a great fighter of this age.

The days that have passed wasn't in waste also, I wasn't idling or something like they were learning and training while I was enjoying --- well I went sight seeing for a while.

I was writing recipes for mother and Eya after a week they were able to read after all. I plan to make a cook book for them.

Then I handed it too them I used the same thing to bind the parchments into a book now all they need to read and follow the steps in the book and we will have great food.

I haven't told them about myself so Mother and Eya were always surprised but for mother it was more of an amazement that she has an outstanding son unlike Eya who is confused she hasn't been calm around me unlike the first day I woke up she talks to me less and less day by day I dont understand I think she hates me and tries to avoid.

(What a cliche here comes the dense character.)

In reality unlike the old Asterio that Eya knew who was quiet she can approach Asterio who always keep silent unlike now Asterio was talking to her and the only thing that she was quite proud about was vanished and become shy around Asterio.

"Here mother a reward for being able how to read and write, I made your first book you have been excellent and as a little celebration I made food for us. You can make much more delicious dish like this from now on. "

"Thank you --- my son"

Mother got a little emotional and so I didn't know what to do so I just sat near her.

"To think that the weakly son I have would become so outstanding so when you said you wanted us to learn how to read and write even giving me such a precious thing like a book. I am so proud of you and your father also is smiling besides our ancestors."

I don't know what to say but living as Asterio for a few days I understood I have been blessed by a great family and friends so I'll be sure to compliment her.

"No -- mother, I'm much more thankful because of you I came to this world and you took care of me without disregarding me this is because of your hardwork for raising me."

She hugged me suddenly and it was tight I saw a visible tear on her eyes maybe she was that delighted. I'm so happy that I have made her happy so this is the feeling to have a mother huh?

While mother was hugging me I sense someone is staring at us intense I looked at the side I saw Eya looking at us, is she angry at me becuase I haven't given her a book also?

(Actually she was more like jelous that his Mother got to hug Asterio.)

Mother finally let go of me and started wiping off her face, she really is a charming mother. Then she carefully opened the book that I gave her and looked at it with amazement.

"Is this a book for cooking? It is so detailed and your penmanship is also very beautiful you made this by yourself to give it to me?"

"Yes, now we can eat more delicious meals I promised to make more delicious foods, with these then there is no more to think about."

"I appreciate it Asterio, now I feel like I've grown as a woman again thanks to you."

"If I get to see you eating and enjoying delicous meals then I am also satisfied."

"Is that so? Then I will use it to make good food starting tomorrow you cooked for us today after all I haven't got the chance to show my skill as woman and a mother."

Then she started to eat the food I prepared for them along with brother and who Norja who didn't care who started eating already.

Then the last thing to take care of is this intense stare directed at me. I talked to Eya and she tried to flee but I stopped her this time by holding his arm.


"I've got nothing to say to you please let go."

"Listen to first."

"I can listen to you but first let go of my arms off."

"I can't you will run away the moment I let go after all."


"Look I'm sorry I didn't prepare any present for you so you have the right the get angry at me but please don't run away I will let you go now promise me you wont run."

".... okay....."

The moment I let go she really ran. So I shouted.


Then she stopped! Woa that was super effective.