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A few days before Asterio got his clothes from Eya when he was sight seeing freely for the first time a girl approached him she was quite young and looks like she is around the age of Eya.

When I was gathering ingridients for mother I took a little time to stroll for a while when a girl was walking towards me, she was slender and quite short and she has a long dark straight hair and has a kind face like mother but I'm getting bad vibes about it behind those innocent face lies a fox like mother unlike Eya who has a sharp eye and a little bit tomboyish attitude that makes her easy to understand and read. Quite frankly I'm bad dealing with this kind of woman but I can tell frankly she's quite pretty when she turns adult she will turn into a beautiful lady both Eya and her.

I easily recognize her she was one of the three who were always watching us. Brother Ales told me to stay away from them to avoid getting in trouble but I don't think she'll do anything when she is alone approaching me atleast I'll hear what she has to say.


"Hi -- Do you need something from me?

"Nothing really -- I just noticed you walking alone may I know your name?"

"I am Asterio and you? "

"Hahaha--! Interesting indeed, I was sure every men in this barangay knew my name I guess not all of them then."

"Why? Are you quite famous or something? "

"Haha -- I'll give it to you, you're quite brave, just by saying you don't know me will get you in trouble with the other men of this barangay you know. "

"Well, sorry about that but I don't know your name but I always notice you watching us from afar."

"I am the third child and only daughter of the Datu my name is Cerlot, I knew it you really are interesting. Think of yourself as special I dont usually talk to men after all, they only approach me having the goal of getting close to me and wanting to marry me and get the position of Datu but you're different. "

"Is that so? I'm not really interested in the position of Datu. There are many things to think of maybe thats why I don't bother with it and rising my status when I'm only a child? There are many guys more suited for that role."

"My-- You're quite smart aren't you. Unlike the other men you aren't interested in the position of Datu."

"Yeah there are other things to do and just from hearing it from you many would want that position for themselves and competition would be hard."

I want to avoid the conversation about the Datu so she wouldn't think anything about me being suspicious.

I know my brother also wants that position I also support him for that but there is no reason to tell the daughter of the Datu it would just spark trouble and I was the one who encouraged Ales to do it.

"I don't think it would be that hard for you though you already knew that I was watching you so there is no hiding it. I saw how you one sidedly defeated Ales and Norja with that alone you are ensured to win."

"I'm not strong I was just lucky both of them are exhausted after fighting each other."

"Nigh-- you really are good at making excuses how about it in a month they will hold a tournament and I want you to join in it. "

"Tournament what for? "

"Its a yearly tournament held here that is open for every man in the barangay if you win you get the right to challange the current Datu. "

"Why are you telling this to me? "

"For amusement what else? "

I knew it! Behind those innocent looks inside is a lurking shadow-- this girl she is not sane! She wants me to participate in such a dangerous thing where our father died.

"Sorry I don't plan on joining such a dangerous tournament where our very lives are at stake."

"Don't worry this years plan for the tournament is changed the elders realized the waste of having two skillful warriors fight to death and losing another life it would be a shame. We have lost a skilled warrior before and I'm sure you know him very well since I'm talking about your father. He was such a brave warrior but his life was taken away just for the position of Datu in this year you don't need to fight till the end if feel you can't win you can just forfeit or give up. My father also has the approval for it since a skilled warrior passed away by his hands and he doesn't want that to happen again but there is no rule that you can't fight till the end if both of the warriors wanted it then they could. Its been our long tradition to fight to the death after all and the winner must set an example to be fearless that makes a Datu but for me thats just dumb having to kill your opponent doesn't mean you are fearless you are just instilling fear to others."

Her name is Cerlot right? At first I thought she was crazy but to think even before they also wanted to change the tradition of ruling with fear I should change how I evaluate her after this she might be a great help in the future.

But I doubt what she have said about his father from what I heared from Ales, their father is a nasty coward who killed our father I still couldn't believe her I don't know what part of what she said was true and what is false.

"I still refuse I don't have the reason on why should I participate I don't have anything to gain by joining and its only the right to challange the Datu right? I don't see a chance winning against an Adult warrior who has defeated our father. "

"Hmm-- Is that so? How about you can ask one thing and I will give it to you. "

"How can you assure that winning the tournament I can ask for anything I want. "

"I'm the daughter of the Datu you know of course we have everything we are rich after all."

"I refuse."

"Wha- what!? You are strong and quite clever so I don't mind then how about this if you win you can a marry me? "