Engagement cancellation

Jane drove to the Lu residence to see her family. For her, seeing her grandparents, parents and brother made her feel relaxed. Her home carried some sort of relaxation that she couldn't bring herself to explain.

She arrived at the residence after a period of time, as she was welcomed by the guards who saluted their young miss, wearing faces full of respect and radiating auras of pride.

The Lu estate could be described as huge as it was a twenty minutes drive from the main gate. There were flowers and well trimmed trees on either part of the pavement. The whole residence approximately occupied a great amount of sq.ft, as there were more than two swimming pools. There were numerous rooms each for different functions. Apart from the living room, dining room and the enormous kitchen, there was also a library, a theater, three powder rooms, and two gyms. There are a total of 8 big bedrooms in the house.

As Jane got into the living room, she found her family members sitted quietly, some showing traces of anger as they seemed to be thinking of something.

Jane's personality made a quick turn as she rushed to hug her grandparents. "Grandpa, grandma, what's with the long faces?" Her grandfather patted her head as he sighed, "That Chen boy came to us this morning and told us that the Chen family will be officially releasing a statement tomorrow about your engagement cancellation. What angers me is that he hooked up with you step-cousin!" Old Mr Lu's voice boomed as it clearely indicated anger, worry and pain.

Jane's expression changed as she looked at her family members. "You all should not worry, leave it to me, I will remind them who I really am" She said with a sly smile.

Her father who has been quietly listening immediately lit up as he heard his daughter. He knew that look very well, as that was the same look she wore in the business world. He excitedly clapped his hands as ge joined the conversation,

"I don't want to miss the fun my princess, let me join you please! No one messes with my daughter and leaves peacefully!"

On hearing her husband's words, mother Lu slapped her his hands before equally speaking.

"Behave old man!" She reprimanded him loudly, only for her to receive a sly smile in return,

"Are you sure I am old dear?" The entire family laughed as mother Lu's face became beetroot red, her fierceness not to be seen.

Grandma Lu asked Jane what she planned to do and she told them for now, she planned to just release a statement ahead of them and when they release their statement saying otherwise, that is when the game will officially start and of course more trouble will be coming for them.

They all know how stupid Anna Lu is, she will obviously create trouble once they release a statement and once she does that, she would have directly dug her own grave.

Jane parted with her family as she headed to the kitchen for some snack. Her brother Ryan, silently followed her.

Ryan Lu is the eldest child of the Lu Family. He was meant to take over the family business but because he never showed any interest in business management, his family supported him in his dreams and today he is the top neuro surgeon of the Country.

Just like his sister, Ryan also has emerald green eyes. He has a fair smooth skin, thick eye brows, a well shaped nose, black straight hair that is perfectly styled and a well built body. He is one of the most handsome men in the country but he is also cold to outsiders and warm to his family.

He followed Jane quietly and as soon as they were out of their elders view he excitedly asked "What part do I have to play sis? I have never liked him but because you were in love with him I couldn't do a thing but right now.. Hehehe... " Jane laughed as she told him to do whatever he pleases which made him extremely happy, he happily leaped off from the kitchen as he took out his phone and called his assistant "Brian, I don't care how you do it or what you will do but I want you to start purchasing the shares of Chen enterprise." He did not wait for an answer and directly hang up.

Ryan is not just a neuro surgeon but a self made CEO too. His words hold power just like those of his sister. He owns a large Chain of hospitals. The biggest and most advanced hospital belongs to him. It is an achievement that he made without relying on his family property and his hard work is clearly evident.

As he hung up, his eyes clearly full of hatred and a smug on his lips, he silently muttered, "Let the game begin Edward Chen!"

What he did not know is that Jane was right behind him, listening to every word he said and a sweet smile spread on her lips.