You will regret this

At exactly 7:30 in the evening, both families gathered in a private room in Eternity, the biggest hotel in Country X, under Yang Cooperation.

Despite the beautiful ambience, the air between the two families was obviously stale and awkward.

On the left side sat the Lu family and on the right side sat the Chen family.

Jane was dressed in a white off shoulder bodycon dress that reached just above her knees and paired it with a pair of nude heels. she wore light make up and tied her hair into a sleek ponytail, accentuating her beautiful delicate face. She looked angelic and amazing, in comparison to the atmosphere.

Before they could even order food, Grandpa Lu's voiced boomed in the entire room.

"I hope the Chen family realizes we have less time in this place. The fact that my granddaughter agreed to meet you doesn't mean we all wanted to. In fact, we are here to make sure your son doesn't lay a hand on our precious baby. Humph!"

His voice carried the authority and power of a leader, leaving no room for negotiations. Furthermore, he did not bother hiding the mockery, dissatisfaction and dislike towards them in his voice and facial expressions.

Father Chen immediately got the clue and looked over at his son. He could help but inwardly curse upon noticing his son's actions.

Edward, whose eyes had not left Jane since she stepped into the room felt a nudge from his father and realized everyone in the room was looking at him.

He did not bother hiding his infatuation, a way of letting the Lu family know that he still adored and loved their daughter. He did not realize that the other side however, mistook his actions for being a perfect, as their dislike towards him grew.

On realizing that the other party seemed even more hostile, he cleared his throat awkwardly as he chose his words.

"Please give me a chance Jane, it was all a rushed mistake that I didn't intend, I know you love me and I love you too, please let us make this work, I promise you won't see me with any woman. That woman, that Anna seduced and lied to me baby, she made me hate you!"

He directly went on his knees still facing Jane, intending to gather pity as he knew Jane very well, and he believed she couldn't bear to see him in such a state.

"We have been in love for so long, we cannot throw it all just because of a small scandal." He was about to reach for her hand when he felt a harsh slap on his hands.

"Don't you dare touch me! You call this a small scandal? A small scandal? You call sleeping with my step cousin a small scandal!? If you had the guts to cheat on me, what will happen when I give you another chance? For God's sake you'll kill me!"

Jane spoke as her eyes were filled with tears. She looked so sympathetic and frail at the moment, invoking the pity of everyone else in the room. Afterall, she is known for being tough and therefore, such a reaction clearly showed how much she was hurt.

She stood up, gave him a cold look and left the room.

Edward panicked and hurriedly ran after her. She was supposed to pity him! Not the other way round!

The Lus panicked seeing their princess in that state but grandpa Lu gave them that one look to re assure them.They instantly understood what was happening and pretended to be mad on the surface.

On the other hand, mother and father Chen were completely losing it, they wanted this girl for their daughter-in-law!

" law, we really shouldn't let such a small matter cause a rift between our children. Afterall, men..." 

Mother Chen suddenly spoke up, intending to butter up Mrs. Lu but one glare was all it took for her to shut up as she cowered and shrunk back into her chair.

Outside, Edward forcefully held Jane's hand and pulled her back, exerting an immense amount of force.

"Woman! Do not test my patience! What more do you want me to do? Huh? I have already knelt down and asked for forgiveness, what more do you want?"

On hearing the shameless bastard speak, Jane smoothly released her hand as she gave him a hard slap.


She kept some distance between them and gave an icy look that frightened Edward. This is the look she has in the business world and this became Edward's first time seeing such a look from her. She looked nowhere like the Jane who had just run out of the room looking broken.

Wait, that was not the point. Did she just...slap him? While he was still trying to come to terms that he had indeed been slapped by someone else other than his parents, Jane was feeling all giddy deep down. Yeeiy! So it felt that good to slap a bastard? 10/10!

"Listen and listen good Mr Chen. The next time you lay your filthy hands on me, I will make sure you have no hands. Just because you didn't keep it in your pants and slept with that step cousin of mine doesn't mean I will forgive you if you go down on your knees!"

" Even if you decided to lick the ground for my forgiveness, I am so sorry to disappoint you but the answer is no! If I ever give you a chance to mess with my feelings again then shame on me! Male Chauvinism will surely kill you someday, stay away from me if you do not want to deal with thee Jane Lu. We were done the day you decided to sleep with Anna."

She finally let it all out but still maintained here image as the Jane Lu. Her heart at the moment carried some sense of peace despite chaos being before her.

Edwards was so angry than his knuckles were even turning white. He decided to teach her a lesson and headed to grab her for the second time, only for him to receive yet another loud and hard slap on his left cheek.

"YOU! I swear I will make you regret! You will come back to me Jane I swear you will!" He spat out blood as he spoke, because he clearly could not come to terms with such a situation. 

He loves her and he will tame this fierce woman! That was his goal now. He turned around, intending to angrily leave but was held back by Jane's voice.

"Oh Mr Chen, you might consider having your body checked for any STD'S, I personally don't trust my cousin and I am sure it was all raw."

Jane's words made him realize that he never used any protection! He inwardly cursed himself but held it within. How could he be careless?

Jane looked at his disappearing figure and wore a victorious smile as she wiped the tears she struggled to let out earlier, of course that was just for show.

She mockingly laughed and watched Edward's retreating figure, "You made a mistake threatening me Mr Chen, I will now show you how the game is run.. Hehehe.."

She followed Edward back to the room but she did not know that someone has been watching her.

"Interesting.... "The man muttered under his breath as he watched her getting into the room. His eyes glued to her beautiful, graceful figure.