Peter Zhang

Jane got back into the room, respectfully bowed to the Chen couple.

Her face was devoid of any emotion as she wore her usual cold expression. The Chen couple seemed to predict what she was going to say next, as they wanted to speak first but she beat them first.


"Mr and Mrs Chen, I am sorry to inform you this, but your son and I cannot continue seeing each other. If he was able to cheat on me with an invalid reason, humiliate me publicly, then he can still cheat on me if I give him another chance. Another thing, I will not harm him if he stays in his lane but if he plays any trick, I will mess him up completely."

Father Chen sighed in a defeated and regretful manner as he answered, "It is ok dear one. He was in the wrong."

The Lu family did not bother being nice as they immediately stood up and left after hearing Jane's stand. None of the foods ordered were touched that much, making Mrs. Chen feel a sense of anger. The meal was so expensive and they disregarded it just like that?? 

Immediately they left,Father Chen's whole attitude changed as he banged the table loudly and in anger, "How dare she threaten my family before me!? Do we look weak? No respect to her elders!"

Mother Chen could also not believe the sweet girl she has always known would threaten her son in their presence! She always thought that because she loved her son, she would be naturally be obedient to his parents. Why then did she just threaten them? No! She won't let her off easily. She must teach her a lesson.

Finally the Chen family revealed its true colours!

They were initially happy having having Jane Lu as the Future Mrs Chen because she came from a family more influential than theirs and one word from Jane would elevate their business further. Who wouldn't want to have such an in law? Plus,they knew a woman in love was bound to act stupid and do anything to please her man. This was in fact evident in the past because Jane never said anything against them and fulfilled all of their funny requests because she loved their son.

They had always hidden their true selves since Jane acted kind and sweet towards them so they deemed her as the perfect candidate. Powerful and obedient, but today proved them wrong. They thought that if they said a few good words for Edward,she would gladly accept him back, but they realized they were so mistaken. She even dared to threaten them!

Mother Chen turned to her son and told him coldly" Son, make sure you make her go on her knees, I want her to be under our mercies. She has to pay for her words today." Father Chen immediately nodded, supporting his wife.

Deep down, he knew that the reason he was so mad was because in the future, all benefits that he gained from being Jane's future father-in-law law would go down the drain and he is naturally greedy to let it go.

His parents got up and left, leaving Edward in the large room all by himself

"See Jane, even my parents support me, I'll bring you on your feet! I will make you crawl to me woman!"

He said loudly as he also left the room.

Despite their confidence and anger, the stupid family did not know what they are getting themselves into.

One the other side of the City A, stood a tall proud building, with workers coming in and going out, all looking professional and business oriented.

The name of the building was clearly written in captivating words, letting everyone in the vicinity know of the presence of Zhang Cooperation.

Inside the top most office, the CEO'S office, sat a man dressed in a jungle green suit. One could clearly notice his dark brown eyes from a far. The man was clearly handsome and opposite him sat a man and a woman. The man seemed to be an older version of him. Their expressions of urgency made the young man shut his eyes for a second, trying to gain composure, and the strength to deal with his parents.

"Peter when are you bringing home my daughter in law? You have never even told me who the woman you want to make Mrs. Zhang is. Hmph! This unfilial child, your father and I are not leaving today until you tell us who you want to bring home"

The woman spoke, trying to sound serious but there was a hint of playfulness in her voice.

"Your mother is right son, atleast tell us the name of the girl or which family she comes from." The older man backed up his wife almost immediately, not leaving any room for their son to change the topic.

The man behind the table sighed as he looked at his lovely, annoying but supportive parents before him. He is Peter Zhang,a 27 years old man. He is the CEO of Zhang cooperation and the young master of the Zhang family. The Zhang family is yet another influential family in the country.

"Mom, dad since you want to know her so much, I will tell you. The lady I plan on making Mrs Zhang is none other than Jane Lu, the young miss of the Lu Family and the queen of the business world. I have had a crush on her for long but she is not easily approachable. She has been in a relationship with the young master of the Chen family but cancelled their engagement today. I plan to approach her soon." He spoke in one breath, finally letting out one of his treasurable secrets.

The amount of relief he felt after letting it out made him realize that maybe...he should have shared it with his parents a long time ago.

Peter watched as parents eyes rounded in shock, understanding that they could not believe what their son had just said. 

In one way, he felt proud because they were used to bombarding him with questions, but looking at their surprised faces, he felt all better. Atleast he won't be the only one in the room experiencing a spike in his blood pressure.