
Liam cleared his throat bringing Jane back to the present. She realized she had not even said a word. "Ahem.. sorry about that, I didn't see you there, I was on my phone." Jane said in one breath.

'What on earth is wrong with me?' Jane asked herself internally but a deep low voice brought her back to reality once again, "It is alright Miss Lu, I was also in your way, forgive my manners." Liam said to her with a small smile.

'Aaah! What a beautiful smile! He even knows my name! Wait... what is wrong with me? Of course he must know my name, I am Thee Jane Lu! Stupid girl!'

Another internal fight broke as Liam watched her expressions change from smiling to frowning. Once again he cleared his throat, attracting her attention, " sorry CEO Yang, if you will excuse me!" She sprinted quickly past him and ran for the elevator.

"Is she even the undisputed queen of the business world or have I met an imposter?" Liam asked himself as he watched her heading for the elevator,following her behind. Regardless, he got to see a side no one else has had the chance to see, not even Edward Chen.

He got into the elevator and headed for his penthouse.

On the other hand, Jane was busy face palming herself as she could not believe her reaction earlier. She never acted that way towards any man at all, not even Edward.

To put it simply, she has never met Liam face to face even if both of the are on top of the business world. Their companies have never collaborated either and they both rarely attend parties. For Jane, unless Rose forces her then she doesn't attend parties at all. Today she finally got to see him at a close distance.

According to her, the media has not done any justice at all! This man's looks are more than the media describes him. He is simply a god!

The elevator finally stopped and she headed for her door but heard the other elevator open and out came Liam.

Jane saw Liam going to the door next to her and Liam saw Jane going to the door next to his.

'She is my neighbour!'

'He is my neighbour!'

They both ended up with the same statement stuck in their minds.

Jane quickly got in her penthouse and slammed the door loudly, "This is getting better than I thought." Liam laughed as he got into his penthouse.

Jane was even shocked by the turn of events. Why did her heart beat fast when she was near him? Why was she feeling shy near him? Could it be attraction?

'No no I don't even know him enough to feel attracted to him.' She quickly denied that thought and headed to her room to change her clothes.