My bestfriend

Jane got up and prepared herself for the office. She wore a peach skirt suit outfit that was above her knees. On her left wrist was her expensive Cartier watch. Her hair was tied in a high ponytail and she wore diamond studs. She had very light make up and completed her looks with a pair of 4 inch platform heels.

She quickly drank her coffee and took her hand bag. She was obviously late since she did not have a good night sleep.

As she was leaving her penthouse, she met Liam leaving his. His expensive minty cologne could be smelled from a far. He wore a three piece black suit and a pair of expensive leather shoes. His hair was perfectly gelled backwards making him look more handsome.

Since they were both late, the did not talk to each except for a simple greeting. They happened to head for the same elevator but did not realize it.

When Jane realized it, it was already too late and all she had to do was act like he doesn't exist but this man was simply not ease to ignore! Who can even ignore such a fine man?

Liam on the other hand was also checking her out. She looked alluring and her vanilla scent was not doing him any justice. She looked beautiful and sexy but the previous night's events made him realize that if he does not retreat his gaze, he will end up saying something he shouldn't. Just like that, the two ignored each other.

Jane arrived at her company wearing her stone cold expression. She oozed an air of elegance and nobility no one could ignore. Employees kept bowing and greeting her but she just nodded her head. Arriving the top floor, she found her assistant Nicole pacing up and down worriedly.

Nicole noticed someone's presence and immediately turned around. Upon seeing her boss, she quickly bowed down "President Lu! Your uncle Mr Jonathan is in your office. He refused to leave even after I forced the security on him. I am sorry president, I accept my punishment." She said without statering.

Jane's expression turned few degrees colder hearing that man's name. Nicole could see the change since she knew how much her boss hated having people in her office and this time round it is someone she despises seeing.

Jane did not say a thing and went past her.

"The last time I checked, your hearing senses were intact or is it perhaps Mr Jonathan has developed a hearing problem that he cannot understand the word leave?" Her cold voice echoed in the office.

Jonathan who was waiting for Jane heard her voice and quickly got up, "I am still your Uncle Jane, you cannot disrespect me in such a manner!" He immediately rebuked her.

"Oh trust me 'dear uncle', my parents raised me to respect elders but let this sink in your head Mr, I Jane Lu will never respect a man who cannot even show loyalty and respect to his own wife. I stopped respecting you the day you decided to cheat on my aunt and shameful enough, you cheated on her with a woman who had and still has lower standards than auntie. Tch! Asking for respect when you least deserve it."

Her cold voice still audible enough and Jonathan could clearely detect hatred in it but she did not stop there, "While you were busy screwing your mistress out there, my aunt was busy trying to be a good wife to you, she left her country for you, she started a fresh for you. You called her your wife but you did not even bother to check up on her on her lowest, you were busy having sex out there. Why did you even marry her if you knew you couldn't make her feel like a queen?

Even after she left your stupid daughter went after my cousin, my bestfriend, my Rose, causing trouble everywhere! I swear to you if aunt Rebecca doesn't come for you, I will, personally. Men like you disgust me the most!"

Her hands were now shaking completely and her face red from anger.