My woman

She slammed her penthouse door and released a heavy sigh she did not know she has been holding.

She knows she cannot continue crossing paths with Liam because the last thing she wants is another 'I love you' lie. She is not prepared at all.

Jane shut her eyes as a single tear escaped her eyes. Just like any other girl, she dreamt of getting married to her loved one. She dreamt of making her wedding night special but her bubble got burst so fast. A man she had promised to love and Cherish and a man who promised to love and respect her unconditionally backed out even before they could step on the isle.

Indeed Love is nothing but trash to her. She is not new to love and knew the look Liam gave her earlier, he was attracted to her but she convinced herself to be irresistible to any man's look, no matter how sincere it is because she will end up getting hurt anyway.