Enough to make his day

"Aargh!" Jane woke up having her fever subside but the headache was still there. She dazed for a minute before realizing she was in a strange room.

'Huh?' She looked around and the place carried a touch of masculinity. A man's house!

She immediately lifted the comforter to check on her clothes and realized everything was intact. "Phew! Thank Heavens. I should leave this place immediately."

She did not know who her saviour was but she knew better than to sit relaxed in a man's house.

Before her feet could touch the ground, the door was opened and a deep but gentle voice was heard,

"It is good you are awake and you might want to put your feet back in bed. You are not fit to start walking around aimlessly."

Liam came in with a tray of food, having the foods recommended by Dr Su.

Jane was startled before looking up. "Mr Yang? How.. "

She did not finish her sentence when Liam cut her off.

"We will talk about what happened after you have a meal. Put your feet back in bed."