Twin sister

Jane stared at them for a minute before looking at Rebecca and Nicole.. She let out a soft "I am sorry" and started reading what she had found about the Xi Family and how Emily's name apperead.

The whole family had a pin drop silence but when Rebecca wanted to say something, Jane immediately shouted, "Twins! You have a twin Nicole!"

Again, all mouths dropped open and Rebecca couldn't take the itch any longer, "Please Jane read everything you've found out, am hurting so very much." Her eyes were now bloodshot red and puffy.

"I found out about Emily when I was digging deep about the Xi Family and according to what I gathered, John Xi brutally murdered Emily but I can't clearly see why. The report all shows that Emily was murdered two years after giving birth, not to one child but two babies, she was pregnant with twins and she delivered her children in an unauthorized hospital." Jane finished only to see Nicole and Rebecca collapsing at a go.