A good Show

When Jane heard Nancy's words, she couldn't help but panic, they were planning something big on such a sweet man... Silly girl!

She was not even aware how worried she was about Liam and how panicked she was.

"Not to worry Jane. It seems like a good show is coming up! Leave the rest to me, you have helped me enough...Oouch!" Chloe did not finish when Rose slapped her hand.

"So you want to deny that we are not friends? That we had to handle that weakling together only for you to say deny our new found friendship? Not cool Chloe!"

Jane laughed looking at the two women bickering and realized that she was never wrong when she first saw Chloe. The girl has some 'Rose vibe' and indeed, here they are bickering endlessly.

"Alright alright ladies. We will work together. One more argument and I throw both of you out." Jane said silencing the two girls at once.