Better than mine

Jane woke up, rubbing her eyes trying to register her surrounding when she suddenly stiffened. She face palmed herself when she realized she had slept in Liam's house again.

"Why do I completely lower my guards around him everytime?" She asked herself as she quickly got out of bed.

She arrived in the living room only to find Liam's body squeezed on the sofa and his comforter on the ground.

She sighed softly as she looked at the man. He sacrificed his good night sleep for her.

Jane went to where Liam's body was and picked the comforter. She carefully spread it on his body. She sat on the table next to the couch and looked at his facial features for a whole minute.

"Even in your sleep you look so handsome... will I even be able to resist your advances?" She ruffled his hair slightly as her hands went to down to his face, down to his lips.