What are you doing to me?

Liam was still in his thoughts when his phone rang,

"Bro, are you by any chance together with Jane?"

Ryan anxiously asked on the other end.

Liam sighed and explained everything, making the man almost blow up in anger.

"I will deal with that woman and inform the rest, just take care of her, I am sure the effect is wearing out by now, with a good sleep she will be alright."

They spoke a little more when Liam hang up.

He went back to the bathroom only to find Jane asleep, her undergarments soaked wet.

He took a towel and wrapped her with it as he carried her out of the tub.

Liam went to the wardrobe and found one of his many shirts resting there. He picked one and tie.

He came back to where he had placed the girl's body and started wiping her carefully from head to toe. He made sure that her hair was completely dry before stopping.

He took a long, deep breath and took the tie he carried with him. He blindfolded himself and started taking off her undergarments off.