The reaper

"Rose Lu, some explaining to do?"

Jane continued, not minding the glare being sent her way by Rose.

By now, Mary had been settled in between her grandparents as her grandma braided and played with her hair.

"So my own daughter has been dating without my knowledge... I see.." Rebecca's voice echoed making Rose give a sheepish smile as she glared at Jane but the girl gave her that 'say it or I will' look with her eyebrows raised.

"It is still too early to even introduce him to you people, we've only been dating for two weeks, that's still a short period, right?"

She was expecting everyone to nod, agreeing to her statement but the elders gave her a look telling her that she has even delayed introducing him.

Grandpa Huang had a dissatisfied look on his face, "I just found my grand daughter and now some brat wants to steal her, humph!"

He looked back at Rose, but this time he had an evil expression, "Bring him over, I want to see how worthy he is of my granddaughter."