I can't do without her

Back at the venue, Liam was busy discussing something when his watch beeped.

He suddenly felt something was not okay, how can her watch send signals if she is okay?

He immediately excused himself and started looking around. He could not see Jane and he immediately felt uneasy, super uneasy.

He rushed towards Rose's direction, where she was sitted together with the rest of the Lu and Yang family.

"Ro..Rose, where is Jane?"

He asked as he tried to keep calm but the man couldn't.

Rose raised her eyebrow before answering,

"She told me she had something to pick in her penthouse."

She answered in a confused manner making Liam's fears increase.

The others wondered why Liam was so tensed but he suddenly shouted,

"She is not safe! My watch has beeped thrice.. I don't have time to explain, let's go!"

The rest felt their hearts shuttering hearing his words that they immediately stood up and left through the back exit so as not to attract the people's attention.