I love you

An apology by Cynthia Xi was posted online where the girl claimed to be drugged, explaining her violent behavior and many understood, including her fans.

Before the Xi family could rejoice, an anonymous account spread the test report showing that the girl had no drug in her system according to the test carried.

This lead to yet another fresh scandle where the people called them liars and murderers, bringing down the company stocks rapidly.

There was also news of the death of the heiress of the now fallen Wang family and according to the source, the girl got into an accident, her car blowing up and it burned her body beyond recognition.

Three days were now over since Jane was operated on and her peole were now starting to get worried.

She was supposed to wake up a day earlier but the eager family was utterly dissapointed when the girl's body did not move a bit.

"When will she wake up Ryan?"

Liam asked as he paced up in the room where everyone was seated with worried faces.