Can't get pregnant

"Hey bro, we need to meet up, I am done with my latest mission. It has been like forever when we last had our own gathering."

Liam laughed as he listened to his friend on the other end.

"Why don't we postpone it a bit? My woman is in the hospital and I just can't go out relaxing and leave her.."

"Woah..hold on bro, your woman? Like you are dating? How? Who? Since when?"

Liam did not finish his statement when the man on the other end jammed him with questions.

"I will only introduce her when we meet and by the way, you should also find yourself a woman lest you die alone in the military."

He told his friend at the same time advising him to fall in love.

"Yes,yes whatever mister, I will come tomorrow to pay a visit to your woman."

Ian replied using a sarcastic tone when he heard about finding a woman for himself.

Their talk was interrupted when Ryan came in to speak to Liam, Jane sleeping peacefully.