Listening ear

Nicole did not know why and how but her arms voluntarily went around his waist and she hid her face in his chest as she burst into tears.

Peter did not need to be told what to do. He wrapped his arms around her as he shielded her and let her cry to her satisfaction.

Derick who was busy smirking suddenly stopped when he saw Peter Zhang. Despite the fact that he was confident, he knew he could not beat anyone from the top families.

His eye sight fell on the crying Nicole and he wondered why she was in his arms, why the man did not push her away unless... unless they were dating, they even wore matching outfits.

"No... this can't be..."

He inwardly denied because he knew that if Nicole is dating Peter Zhang then how can he manipulate her or satisfy his needs like he did once?

He was inwardly disturbed but he suddenly had an idea and the man went back to his evil and mischevious mode.

Derick started getting closer despite the intimidating aura Peter was releasing.