What if he miscalculated?

On the other hand, Mary actually thought that her phone was having some problem or maybe there was some network problem.

Since Nicole did not answer her for long, she hang up and decided to call back later since she didn't plan on going back to the house.

Peter stared at the bed room door for a second time before sighing and going on the coach. His thoughts were complety scattered. He just couldn't absorb all the information because he had had enough just for a day.

The man thought for a while before making a phone call.

In Liam's penthouse, Jane was lying comfortably on the bed as the man massaged her legs.

"Uum.. Liam?"

The girl nervously asked.

"Yes queen?" He replied as he lifted his eyes from whatever he was doing.

"I want to take a shower, I feel sticky."

She spoke out in one breath and the man nodded understandingly as he stopped massaging her and went to the closet to get her the necessary items.

He came back and handed them to her as he stood next to her.